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Radioprotective effect of the anti-diabetic drug metformin

Silvia Siteni, Summer Barron, Krishna Luitel, Jerry W. Shay

Prochlorococcus marinus responses to light and oxygen

Mireille Savoie, Aurora Mattison,  [ ... ], Douglas A. Campbell

Poverty and neighborhood opportunity effects on neonate DNAm developmental age

Stefanie R. Pilkay, Anna K. Knight,  [ ... ], Alicia K. Smith

Complete mitochondrial genomes of patients from Thailand with cardiovascular diseases

Wipada Woravatin, Rattanasak Wongkomonched,  [ ... ], Wibhu Kutanan

Prevalence of HBV genotypes among patients attending Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital liver clinic

Caroline Wangui Gikunyu, Elius Mbogori, Arthur Kwena, Geoffrey K. Maiyoh

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