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Showing 1 - 13 of 118

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OpenCell: A low-cost, open-source, 3-in-1 device for DNA extraction

Aryan Gupta, Justin Yu,  [ ... ], M. Saad Bhamla

Therapeutic potential of vitamin D against bisphenol A-induced spleen injury in Swiss albino mice

Mohamed A. Al-Griw, Hanan N. Balog,  [ ... ], Rabia Alghazeer

Increase in short telomeres during the third trimester in human placenta

Paula K. Edelson, Michala R. Sawyer,  [ ... ], Mark Phillippe

A qPCR-duplex assay for sex determination in ancient DNA

Anna Poma, Patrizia Cesare,  [ ... ], Osvaldo Zarivi

Comparison of six methods for Loa loa genomic DNA extraction

Roland Dieki, Elsa-Rush Eyang-Assengone,  [ ... ], Jean Paul Akue

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