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Showing 1 - 13 of 767

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A novel replication initiation region encoded in a widespread Acinetobacter plasmid lineage carrying a blaNDM-1 gene

Elena Bello-López, Ángeles Pérez-Oseguera, Walter Santos, Miguel Ángel Cevallos

The evolutionary loss of the Eh1 motif in FoxE1 in the lineage of placental mammals

Mahak Sharma, Victoria M. Larow,  [ ... ], Sergey Yaklichkin

Non-canonical functions of a mutant TSC2 protein in mitotic division

Mary-Bronwen L. Chalkley, Rachel B. Mersfelder,  [ ... ], Kevin C. Ess

The CST complex facilitates cell survival under oxidative genotoxic stress

Tomohiko Hara, Hidenori Nakaoka, Tomoicihiro Miyoshi, Fuyuki Ishikawa

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