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Showing 1 - 13 of 124

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Cas9 is mostly orthogonal to human systems of DNA break sensing and repair

Ekaterina A. Maltseva, Inna A. Vasil’eva,  [ ... ], Olga I. Lavrik

A programmable DNA roadblock system using dCas9 and multivalent target sites

Emily K. Matozel, Stephen Parziale, Allen C. Price

A simple and affordable kinetic assay of nucleic acids with SYBR Gold gel staining

Danielle Guillen, Mika Schievelbein,  [ ... ], Jonathan Ouellet

Petri net–based model of the human DNA base excision repair pathway

Marcin Radom, Magdalena A. Machnicka,  [ ... ], Piotr Formanowicz

A study on endonuclease BspD6I and its stimulus-responsive switching by modified oligonucleotides

Liudmila A. Abrosimova, Anzhela Yu. Migur,  [ ... ], Tatiana S. Oretskaya

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