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Plant immunity: activated helper NLRs form a resistosome

October 18, 2024

Plant immunity: activated helper NLRs form a resistosome

Plants use NLR immune receptors, which often require downstream "helper" NLRs, for pathogen defense. Muniyandi Selvaraj, Sophien Kamoun, Mauricio Contreras and colleagues identify and structurally characterize the mechanisms of NLR activation, showing that the helper NLR NRC2 transitions from an autoinhibited homodimer to an active oligomeric resistosome upon activation.

Image credit: pbio.3002868

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Image credit: pbio.3002874

Mycobacterial lipid transport

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Image credit: pbio.3002786

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Image credit: pbio.3002823


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Image credit: pbio.3002814



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Image credit: European Union


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Image credit: pbio.3002834



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Image credit: pbio.3002815



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