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October 2018

Olfactory-induced behaviors such as homing, food or mate searching are crucial for the survival and reproduction of most animals. A neural basis for such behaviors in vertebrates was recently uncovered using a basal vertebrate model, the lamprey, and consists of a neural pathway extending from the medial olfactory bulb, a first-order relay of olfactory information in the brain, to locomotor regions. The new study by Daghfous et al. investigated modulatory mechanisms acting on this neural pathway, discovering a novel pathway linking olfactory and motor centers in the brain, indicating that olfactory inputs can activate locomotor centers via two distinct pathways. Both pathways are strongly modulated by the neurotransmitter GABA in the olfactory bulb. The existence of segregated olfactory subsystems in lampreys sheds light on the evolution of olfactory systems in vertebrates. The image shows how the organization of the lamprey olfactory bulb resembles that of mammals; axons of olfactory sensory neurons (green) enter the olfactory bulb and form glomeruli where they synapse with dendrites of projection neurons (blue). Daghfous et al.

Image Credit: Daghfous et al.

Open Highlights

Birds, blooms, and evolving diversity

Lauren A. Richardson


Is adaptive therapy natural?

Frédéric Thomas, Emmanuel Donnadieu, Guillaume M. Charriere, Camille Jacqueline, Aurélie Tasiemski, Pascal Pujol, François Renaud, Benjamin Roche, Rodrigo Hamede, Joel Brown, Robert Gatenby, Beata Ujvari


(Escaping) the paradox of scientific storytelling

Michael F. Dahlstrom, Dietram A. Scheufele

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Partial homologies between sleep states in lizards, mammals, and birds suggest a complex evolution of sleep states in amniotes

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Multimodal sensory information is represented by a combinatorial code in a sensorimotor system

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Neural timing of stimulus events with microsecond precision

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GABAergic modulation of olfactomotor transmission in lampreys

Gheylen Daghfous, François Auclair, Felix Clotten, Jean-Luc Létourneau, Elias Atallah, Jean-Patrick Millette, Dominique Derjean, Richard Robitaille, Barbara S. Zielinski, Réjean Dubuc

Covert spatial selection in primate basal ganglia

Fabrice Arcizet, Richard J. Krauzlis

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