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  • Catalases Are NAD(P)H-Dependent Tellurite Reductases

    Iván L. Calderón, Felipe A. Arenas, José Manuel Pérez, Derie E. Fuentes, Manuel A. Araya, Claudia P. Saavedra, Juan C. Tantaleán, Sergio E. Pichuantes, Philip A. Youderian, Claudio C. Vásquez

    published 20 Dec 2006

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  • Is Adipose Tissue a Place for Mycobacterium tuberculosis Persistence?

    Olivier Neyrolles, Rogelio Hernández-Pando, France Pietri-Rouxel, Paul Fornès, Ludovic Tailleux, Jorge Alberto Barrios Payán, Elisabeth Pivert, Yann Bordat, Diane Aguilar, Marie-Christine Prévost, Caroline Petit, Brigitte Gicquel

    published 20 Dec 2006

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