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Showing 1 - 13 of 85

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Risk factors for Bordetella pertussis disease in hospitalized children

Rudzani Muloiwa, Felix S. Dube,  [ ... ], Heather J. Zar

Transversal sero-epidemiological study of Bordetella pertussis in Tehran, Iran

Gaelle Noel, Farzad Badmasti,  [ ... ], Fabien Taieb

A qPCR assay for Bordetella pertussis cells that enumerates both live and dead bacteria

Stacy Ramkissoon, Iain MacArthur,  [ ... ], Andrew Preston

Impact of maternal dTpa vaccination on the incidence of pertussis in young infants

Frederico Friedrich, Maria Clara Valadão,  [ ... ], Marcelo C. Scotta

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