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Showing 1 - 13 of 136

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Localisation of nitrate-reducing and highly abundant microbial communities in the oral cavity

Joanna E. L’Heureux, Mark van der Giezen,  [ ... ], Anni Vanhatalo

Differences in the gut microbiota between Gurkhas and soldiers of British origin

Thomas D. Troth, Ross S. McInnes,  [ ... ], Willem van Schaik

Childhood meningitis in rural Gambia: 10 years of population-based surveillance

Usman N. Ikumapayi, Philip C. Hill,  [ ... ], Grant A. Mackenzie

Etiology of meningitis among adults in three quaternary hospitals in Mozambique, 2016–2017: The role of HIV

Aquino Albino Nhantumbo, Charlotte Elizabeth Comé,  [ ... ], Eduardo Samo Gudo

Outcome of acute bacterial meningitis among children in Kandahar, Afghanistan: A prospective observational cohort study

Bilal Ahmad Rahimi, Niamatullah Ishaq, Ghulam Mohayuddin Mudaser, Walter R. Taylor

High bacterial and viral load in the upper respiratory tract of children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Archippe Muhandule Birindwa, Lucia Gonzales-Siles,  [ ... ], Susann Skovbjerg

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