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Showing 1 - 13 of 22

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Frankliniella occidentalis facilitate Salmonella enterica survival in the phyllosphere

Victoria L. Harrod, Russell L. Groves, Matthew A. Maurice, Jeri D. Barak

Non-nutritive sweeteners possess a bacteriostatic effect and alter gut microbiota in mice

Qiao-Ping Wang, Duncan Browman, Herbert Herzog, G. Gregory Neely

Time to acquire and lose carriership of ESBL/pAmpC producing E. coli in humans in the Netherlands

Peter F. M. Teunis, Eric G. Evers,  [ ... ], Engeline van Duijkeren

A Quantitative Prioritisation of Human and Domestic Animal Pathogens in Europe

K. Marie McIntyre, Christian Setzkorn,  [ ... ], Matthew Baylis

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