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Showing 1 - 13 of 366

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Longitudinal study of Chlamydia pecorum in a healthy Swiss cattle population

Samuel Loehrer, Fabian Hagenbuch,  [ ... ], Nicole Borel

Cytokine profiling of samples positive for Chlamydia trachomatis and Human papillomavirus

Larissa Zatorre Almeida Lugo, Marco Antonio Moreira Puga,  [ ... ], Inês Aparecida Tozetti

Improving provider-initiated testing for HIV and other STI in the primary care setting in Amsterdam, the Netherlands: Results from a multifaceted, educational intervention programme

Saskia Bogers, Maarten Schim van der Loeff,  [ ... ], on behalf of the HIV Transmission Elimination AMsterdam (H-TEAM) Consortium

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