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The aesthetic value of reef fishes is globally mismatched to their conservation priorities

Fig 2

Image features analysis.

(a) Regression coefficients (with standard errors) from the final model between the aesthetic value and the 9 significant image features (see Text A in S1 File for a complete description of the image features). The variables have been scaled to visualize how the magnitude of the effects differs between them. Most important variables were: color heterogeneity, color saturation, standard deviation in lightness (SD lightness), pattern repetition, and body elongatedness. (b) Principal Component Analysis (PC1 and PC2) performed with the 9 significant images features (see Fig 2A, Text A, F in S1 File for a description of the image features). Points (fishes) are colored by their aesthetic values, and image feature vectors are projected on the 2 axes. Examples of fishes (chosen on the perimeter of the distribution) are provided for illustration. Clockwise order: Calloplesiops altivelis, Epinephelus ongus, Kyphosus vaigiensis, Epinephelus costae, Jenkinsia lamprotaenia, Phyllogobius platycephalops, Belone belone, Ctenogobiops crocineus, Suezichthys devisi, Opistognathus aurifrons, Pseudanthias ignitus, Pomacentrus auriventris, Mecaenichthys immaculatus, Pomacanthus navarchus, Aracana aurita, Pomacanthus sexstriatus. See S1 Data for image copyright. Data and code required to generate this Figure can be found in

Fig 2
