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Evolutionary novelty in gravity sensing through horizontal gene transfer and high-order protein assembly

Fig 2

The OCTIN phylogeny indicates multiple HGT events.

The OCTIN ML phylogenetic tree supports bacteria-Mucorales, bacteria-Oomycetes, and bacteria-bacteria HGTs. Support values greater than 50 are shown as node labels. Values of 100 are represented by thick horizontal lines. The tree is rooted with a distant homolog, human FGE. Sequences with predicted N-terminal signal sequences, and gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria are marked with the indicated symbols. The various taxa are color-coded according to the legend. The full ML tree constructed from 127 OCTIN sequences is shown in S3A Fig. FGE, formylglycine-generating enzyme; HGT, horizontal gene transfer; ML, maximum likelihood; OCTIN, octahedral crystal matrix protein.

Fig 2
