About the Authors

Bruce P. Lanphear


Affiliation Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada

Competing Interests

Dr. Lanphear served as an expert witness in California for the plaintiffs in a public nuisance case of childhood lead poisoning, a Proposition 65 case on behalf of the California Attorney General’s Office, a case involving lead-contaminated water in a new housing development in Maryland, a Canadian tribunal on trade dispute about using lead-free galvanized wire in stucco lathing, and a legal case on behalf of lead-poisoned children in Milwaukee, but he received no personal compensation for these services. Dr. Lanphear has served as a paid consultant on a US Environmental Protection Agency research study, NIH research awards, and the California Department of Toxic Substance Control. Dr. Lanphear has received federal research awards from the National Institute of Environmental Health, the US Environmental Protection Agency, the Centers for Disease Control, and the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. He is also the recipient of federal research awards from the Canada Institutes of Health Research and Health Canada.