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Metabolic profiles in drought-tolerant wheat with enhanced abscisic acid sensitivity

Yuanjie Weng, Ryosuke Mega,  [ ... ], Masanori Okamoto

Optimization of the process of preparation of liver pâtés and omental fat of lambs fed with lipid cakes

Bruna Almeida da Silva, Vinícius Costa Gomes de Castro,  [ ... ], José de Brito Lourenço-Júnior

An analysis of morphological and genetic diversity of mango fruit flies in Pakistan

Anbareen Gul, Syed Hamid Jalal Shah,  [ ... ], Samrat Kumar Dey

Endophytic and epiphytic metabarcoding reveals fungal communities on cashew phyllosphere in Kenya

Dennis Wamalabe Mukhebi, Colletah Rhoda Musangi,  [ ... ], Wilton Mwema Mbinda

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