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Fatty acids and chlorogenic acid content in Plectranthus edulis root tubers

Tsehaynew Fetene, Minaleshewa Atlabachew,  [ ... ], Kidanemariam Teklay Hilawea

Disability and labour market participation among smallholder farmers in Western Kenya

Stevens Bechange, Emma Jolley,  [ ... ], Elena Schmidt

Scalable lipid droplet microarray fabrication, validation, and screening

Tracey N. Bell, Aubrey E. Kusi-Appiah,  [ ... ], Steven Lenhert

The effect of environmental variations on the production of the principal agricultural products in Colombia

Carlos Felipe Cortés-Cataño, Yennifer Foronda-Tobón,  [ ... ], Mario Julian Cañon-Ayala

Global and local ancestry estimation in a captive baboon colony

Christopher Kendall, Jacqueline Robinson,  [ ... ], Bence Viola

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