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Showing 1 - 13 of 28

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Evolutionary analysis of KED-rich proteins in plants

Xing-Hai Zhang, David Swait,  [ ... ], John M. Harlin

Evolution of the modular, disordered stress proteins known as dehydrins

Andrew C. Riley, Daniel A. Ashlock, Steffen P. Graether

Evidence for an ancient whole genome duplication in the cycad lineage

Danielle Roodt, Rolf Lohaus,  [ ... ], Eshchar Mizrachi

Relationship of Climatic and Forest Factors to Drought- and Heat-Induced Tree Mortality

Qingyin Zhang, Ming’an Shao, Xiaoxu Jia, Xiaorong Wei

Host Plant Use by the Invasive Halyomorpha halys (Stål) on Woody Ornamental Trees and Shrubs

Erik J. Bergmann, P. Dilip Venugopal,  [ ... ], Paula M. Shrewsbury

Green Plants in the Red: A Baseline Global Assessment for the IUCN Sampled Red List Index for Plants

Neil A. Brummitt, Steven P. Bachman,  [ ... ], Eimear M. Nic Lughadha

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