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Correction: Local Transcriptional Control of YUCCA Regulates Auxin Promoted Root-Growth Inhibition in Response to Aluminium Stress in Arabidopsis

  • Guangchao Liu,
  • Shan Gao,
  • Huiyu Tian,
  • Wenwen Wu,
  • Hélène S. Robert,
  • Zhaojun Ding
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The images for S2S8 Figs are incorrectly switched. The image that appears as S2 Fig should be S3 Fig, the image that appears as S3 Fig should be S4 Fig, the image that appears as S4 Fig should be S5 Fig, the image that appears as S5 Fig should be S6 Fig, the image that appears as S6 Fig should be S7 Fig, the image that appears as S7 Fig should be S8 Fig, and the image that appears as S8 Fig should be S2 Fig. The figure captions appear in the correct order.

Supporting information

S2 Fig. yucQ mutant seedlings have no root length phenotype at the absence of sucrose.

(A) Root growth of WT (DR5rev:GFP) plants and DR5rev:GFP/yucQ seedlings after a seven-day exposure to 0%, 1% or 5% sucrose on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium. Three independent experiments were done, each with three replicates. Error bars indicate mean ±SD (n = 30). Statistical significance was determined by two-way ANOVA with multiple comparison correction by Duncan’s multiple range test. Different letters indicate significance groups (P < 0.05). (B) The expression of DR5rev:GFP and DR5rev:GFP/yucQ transgenes in the root in the presence of 0%, 1% or 3% sucrose for 3 hours. Cell boundaries appear red following propidium iodide staining. Scale bar: 100μm.


S3 Fig. Al regulated local expression of YUCs in the root-apex TZ.

The expression of the YUCp:GFP-GUS transgenes in cortex of the roots exposed to 25 μM AlCl3 for two hours (lower row). Controls are untreated roots (upper row). Cell boundaries appear following propidium iodide staining. The root TZ is marked by white arrowheads. Scale bar: 100 μm.


S4 Fig. Expression of YUCs are induced by Al treatment in the root-apex TZ.

Five-day old YUC5p:GFP-GUS and YUC9p:GFP-GUS transgenes were exposed or not (control) to 10 μM AlCl3 for 3h and 6h. The TZ is marked by white arrowheads. Scale bar: 100μm.


S5 Fig. The pH has no effect on the expression of YUCp:GFP-GUS transgenes.

The expression of the YUCp:GFP-GUS transgenes (30 seedlings were detected in each material) in epidermis of the roots exposed to a pH between 4.2 and 5.9 for three hours. Controls are pH = 5.0 roots (middle row). Cell boundaries appear red following propidium iodide staining. The TZ is marked by white arrowheads. Scale bar: 100 μm.


S6 Fig. Al regulated local induction of YUC is regulated by ethylene.

The expression of YUCp:GFP-GUS transgenes in the root apex epidermis in presence of Al and either ACC or/and AVG. Four-day old transgenic YUCp:GFP-GUS seedlings were pre-treated with 1 μM AVG or 1 μM ACC for 1 day when used in co-treatment, then the seedlings were treated with 1 μM AVG or 1 μM ACC in the presence or not of 25 μM AlCl3 for 2 hours. Cell boundaries appear red following propidium iodide staining. The TZ is marked by white arrowheads. Scale bar: 100μm.


S7 Fig. Al regulated up-regulation of EIL1 and EIN3 in the root-apex TZ.

The expression of the EIL1p:GFP-GUS and EIN3p:GFP-GUS transgenes in cortex of the roots exposed to 25 μM AlCl3 for 0.5, 1 or 2 hours (lower row). Controls are untreated roots. The root TZ is marked by white arrowheads. Scale bar: 100 μm.


S8 Fig. Al regulated local induction of YUCs is ethylene dependent.

(A) Five-day old YUC3p:GFP-GUS, YUC3p:GFP-GUS/ein3 eil1, YUC8p:GFP-GUS, YUC8p:GFP-GUS/ein3 eil1, YUC9p:GFP-GUS, YUC9p:GFP-GUS/ein3 eil1 were exposed or not (control) to 25 μM AlCl3 for two hours. Cell boundaries appear red following propidium iodide staining. The TZ is marked by white arrowheads. Scale bar: 100μm. (B) Quantification of the Al-induced fluorescence intensity in the TZ of YUC3p:GFP-GUS, YUC3p:GFP-GUS/ein3 eil1, YUC8p:GFP-GUS, YUC8p:GFP-GUS/ein3 eil1, YUC9p:GFP-GUS, YUC9p:GFP-GUS/ein3 eil1 seedlings (around 25 seedlings were measured in each material). The detected fluorescence region in TZ is marked by yellow rectangles. Cell boundaries appear red following propidium iodide staining. The TZ is marked by white arrowheads. Statistical difference from detected fluorescence is indicated by asterisks (Fisher’s exact test, ** P<0.01).



  1. 1. Liu G, Gao S, Tian H, Wu W, Robert HS, Ding Z (2016) Local Transcriptional Control of YUCCA Regulates Auxin Promoted Root-Growth Inhibition in Response to Aluminium Stress in Arabidopsis. PLoS Genet 12(10): e1006360.