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PLoS Genetics Issue Image | Vol. 12(9) September 2016

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c-Fos regulation by piwi in the Drosophila ovary.

c-Fos overexpression (right image) in the ovary of the fruitfly (Drosophila melanogaster) results in enlarged tissue volume and germ cell developmental arrest. Pictured are an ovary from a wild-type (left) fruitfly and an ovary from a fruitfly that overexpresses the c-Fos transgene. Blue is DAPI stain. Green is immunofluorescence signal of Vasa, a germ cell marker. White bar is 100 um scale bar.  Klein et al. uncovered that Piwi and non-coding Piwi-interacting RNAs repress c-Fos to regulate ovarian tissue morphogenesis, germ cell development, and animal fertility. Replacement of the 3’ untranslated region of the c-Fos mRNA, which originates Piwi-interacting RNAs, results in c-Fos overexpression, disorganized ovarian cells, arrest in germ cell maturation, and complete animal infertility. See Klein et al.

Download September’s cover page here.

Image Credit: Jonathon D. Klein and Victoria Frohlich, using a Zeiss LightSheet Z.1 system.

c-Fos regulation by piwi in the Drosophila ovary.

c-Fos overexpression (right image) in the ovary of the fruitfly (Drosophila melanogaster) results in enlarged tissue volume and germ cell developmental arrest. Pictured are an ovary from a wild-type (left) fruitfly and an ovary from a fruitfly that overexpresses the c-Fos transgene. Blue is DAPI stain. Green is immunofluorescence signal of Vasa, a germ cell marker. White bar is 100 um scale bar.  Klein et al. uncovered that Piwi and non-coding Piwi-interacting RNAs repress c-Fos to regulate ovarian tissue morphogenesis, germ cell development, and animal fertility. Replacement of the 3’ untranslated region of the c-Fos mRNA, which originates Piwi-interacting RNAs, results in c-Fos overexpression, disorganized ovarian cells, arrest in germ cell maturation, and complete animal infertility. See Klein et al.

Download September’s cover page here.

Image Credit: Jonathon D. Klein and Victoria Frohlich, using a Zeiss LightSheet Z.1 system.