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Fig 1.

Chart of the extended H2 genomic region in novel recombinant congenic strains.

Chromosome segments transferred from I/St (Н2j) mice onto the B6 (Н2b) genetic background are shown in grey. Markers (all—from MGI-Mouse Genome Database (, are shown in the left column, followed by their genomic positions in mega base pairs (Mb). Gene symbols and locations (according to the Ensembl Genome assembly GRCm38.p2 ( are shown in the right column. All strains bearing the Н2j-originated genetic material highlighted by the red border displayed a TB-susceptible phenotype (S, bottom), other strains were TB-resistant (R, bottom).

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Fig 1 Expand

Fig 2.

Survival curves of mice infected with M. tuberculosis.

Survival of parental B6 and I/St and recombinant congenic mice (males) following aerosol challenge with ~500 CFU of M. tuberculosis H37Rv. Recombinant strains B6.I-, B6.I-9.5.7, B6.I-9.5, B6.I-9.3, B6.I- and B6.I-249.1.15 all displayed similar (P > 0.1) intermediate mean survival time (MST) compared to hyper-susceptible I/St and relatively resistant B6 mice (P < 0.0001, log-rank test), which reflects the input of the intra-H2 QTL in susceptibility. All recombinant strains were tested in 3–10 independent experiments (total N = 20–70 animals). Summary of 3–5 experiments is displayed (Kaplan-Meier survival analysis).

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Fig 2 Expand

Table 1.

Allelic polymorphisms in the coding parts of the protein-encoding genes*.

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Table 1 Expand

Fig 3.

Genotypes and TB phenotypes of new recombinant mouse strains B6.I-100 and B6.I-139.

A–The genome chart for B6.I-100 and B6.I-139 recombinant strains. Chromosome segments transferred from I/St onto B6 genetic background are shown in grey. B–survival curves of B6.I-100, B6.I-139 and parental strains mice after aerosol challenge with ~500 CFU of M. tuberculosis. MST ± SEM (days): B6 = 249 ± 10; I/St = 63 ± 11; B6.I-100 = 152 ± 13; B6.I-139 = 233 ± 14; B6.I- = 153 ± 11. Recombinant strains were tested in 3–5 independent experiments (total N = 20–40 males). Summary of 3 experiments is displayed (Kaplan-Meier survival analysis). C–CFU counts in infected lungs at days 28 and 70 post-challenge (4 mice per group, **P < 0.05, ANOVA). The representative results of one out of 2 independent experiments are present. D–genes and their positions in the D17Mit21 – H2-Ea interval according to Ensembl. Red borders–location of the candidate gene.

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Fig 3 Expand

Fig 4.

The differences in H2-Ab1 AA sequences between B6.I-100 and B6.I-139 mice.

Protein structure alignment of H2-Ab1molecules. Gene annotations are from UniProt Domain structure 1–27 –signal peptide; 28–122 - β1 polymorphic domain; 123–216 - β2 conservative domain; 217–226 –connecting peptide (CP); 227–247 –transmembrane domain (TM); 248–265 –cytoplasmic domain (CD). H2b –H2j AA substitutions are highlighted.

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Fig 4 Expand

Fig 5.

Possession of the H2-Ab1 j-like alleles results in a more severe TB infectious course.

A–Representative tuberculous lung lesions at day 35 post-infection. Hematoxylin and eosin staining, magnification x100. Arrows show granulomatous structures. B–TNF-α and IL-6 production in infected lungs at day 60 post-challenge. Whole-lung homogenates from individual mice (3 per group) were assessed in the ELISA format. The results are expressed as mean ± SD from two independent experiments (total N = 6), P < 0.05 for B6.I-100 and B6.I-139, ANOVA. C–The number of lung IFN-γ-producing CD4+ T cells was assessed by intracellular staining for IFN-γ at 35 days post-challenge. After culturing with mycobacterial sonicate, the lung cell population gated for CD3 expression was analyzed as displayed. Results of one of two similar experiments (total N = 6) are shown, with statistics for 3 individual mice per group provided in quadrants. In controls (cells from normal mice with mycobacterial sonicate, or cells from infected mice without antigen in culture) the per cent of IFN-γ-producing lung CD4+ T cells never exceed 0.1. P < 0.05 for B6.I-100 and B6.I-139, ANOVA.

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Fig 5 Expand

Fig 6.

CD4+ T cells recognize mycobacterial antigens in the context of H2-A molecule.

Mycobacterial antigens were presented by APC expressing different gene combinations and alleles of Class II molecules (see legend) to: (A) polyclonal I/St T cell line, or to highly purified immune lymph node CD4+ T cells (pooled from 2–3 mice) from I/St (B), B6.I-100 (C) and B6.I.139 mice (D). Representative data from one out of two similar independent experiments are presented, results are expressed as mean ± SEM of triplicate cultures. Y-axis: Δ cpm (counts per minute) = mean cpm of antigen-stimulated wells—the mean cpm of non-stimulated wells. Stimulation index (SI) mean cpm of antigen-stimulated wells/ mean cpm of non-stimulated wells. (E)–CD4+ T-cells from (B6 x B6.I- F1 mice stimulate bacteriostatic activity of B6 and F1, but not of B6.I- macrophages (mph). Results are present as [3H]-uracil uptake from one out of two experiments provided similar results (CPM ± SEM for triplicates, P < 0.001, ANOVA). See Materials and Methods for details.

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Fig 6 Expand

Fig 7.

Molecular model of H2-Aj molecule in comparison to H2-Ab.

Top view of structural overlay of the peptide-binding domains of H2-Ab (blue) and H2-Aj (red) alleles, bound to CLIP peptide (green). α- alpha and β–beta chains. 1 –α- subunit 310 helix, 2- β subunit region with two AA (P65E66) deletions in j-haplotype (A). Comparison of the H-bond network between H2-Ab (B) and H2-Aj (C) molecules containing CLIP peptide backbone (P-1-P10). MHC Class II conserved residues that contribute to the peptide- MHC hydrogen-bonding network are shown in stick representation. Dashed lines indicate conservative hydrogen bonds with the exception of Ab74 and Kb71 (marked red) in the H2-Aj molecule. D -Comparison of pocket structures of the MHC- binding groove between H2-Ab (blue) and H2-Aj (red). The CLIP peptide backbone is shown in green, P1, P4, P6, P7 and P9 pockets in grey. AA substitutions in the α-chain contribute mostly to the differences in the P1 structure, AA substitutions in the β-chain determine differences in P4, P6, P7 and P9 pockets (E). Potentially most important substitutions are marked and their side chains shown.

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Fig 7 Expand