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Indian genetic heritage in Southeast Asian populations

Fig 2

A principal component analysis (PCA) plot of present-day Eurasian populations.

Left panel: An overview of the PC1 vs. PC2 space for all populations. The legend at the bottom of the plot lists abbreviations of meta-populations: CAS, Central Asians; ESEA, East and Southeast Asians; EUR, Europeans; Munda, Austroasiatic-speaking populations (the Munda branch) from India; NEGA, Andamanese Negritos; NEGM, Mainland Negritos; SAS, South Asians; and SIB, Siberians. Right panel: A zoomed-in view on the rectangle in the left panel. Colors of the markers represent language families. Asterisks after population names indicate that these populations are newly genotyped in this study.

Fig 2
