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The RNA Helicases AtMTR4 and HEN2 Target Specific Subsets of Nuclear Transcripts for Degradation by the Nuclear Exosome in Arabidopsis thaliana

Figure 2

HEN2 proteins are restricted to the green lineage.

Phylogenetic tree of the MTR4/SKI family of RNA helicases. The basic branch that separates HEN2 homologues from MTR4 and SKI2 homologues is detected with 1000/1000 bootstraps. Protein sequences were retrieved from metazome, phytozome and JGI databases and aligned with ClustalX. Dark red, vertebrates; light red, other eumetazoa; pink, M. brevicollis (Choanozoa); blue, B. natans (Rhizaria); orange, N. gruberi (Heterobolosea); yellow, S. cerevisiae and S. pombe (Fungi); olive, F. cylindrus, P. tricornutum, T. pseudonana; P. cinammomi, P. sojae (Heterokonta); light green, green algae; green, mosses; blue-green, grasses; dark green, dicotyledons. Scale bar = 0.05 amino acid substitutions per site.

Figure 2
