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A Network of HMG-box Transcription Factors Regulates Sexual Cycle in the Fungus Podospora anserina

Figure 6

Genetic network of HMG-box genes that regulate mating in P. anserina.

Arrows with heads and blunt ends indicate activation and repression, respectively. The numbers next to the arrows indicate the average FC in gene expression between the wild-type and mutant strains.The relationship between mtHMG1 and PaHMG5 may be mediated by KEF1. Alternatively, mtHMG1 may by-pass KEF1 to repress PaHMG5 directly or indirectly. The consistency in the FCs suggest that PaHMG6 by-passes this cascade to activate PaHMG5 and PaHMG8 either directly or indirectly. The numbers next to the arrows connecting the mating-type genes (FMR1 and FPR1) and the downstream target genes are FCs that were obtained from [73].

Figure 6
