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A Network of HMG-box Transcription Factors Regulates Sexual Cycle in the Fungus Podospora anserina

Figure 5

Expression of HMG-box genes and mating-type target genes in strains with HMG-box gene deletion.

FCs from Table S3 to S7 were converted to a heat map using Matrix2png [108]. Squares for FCs with non-significant statistical values are in black. Squares for inapplicable values are in white. (A) Heat map in the mat+ strains. The FCs of HMG-box genes, FPR1 and selected FPR1 target genes are represented as indicated on the scale for the following strains: mat+ ΔPahmg6 (delPahmg6), mat+ Δmthmg1 (delmthmg1), mat+ Δkef1 (delkef1), mat+ ΔPahmg5 (delPahmg5), and mat+ ΔPahmg8 (delPahmg8). Gene number: MFP, Pa_2_2310; PRE2, Pa_4_1380; AOX, Pa_3_1710; PEPCK, Pa_4_3160. (B) Heat map in the mat− strains. The FCs of HMG-box genes, FMR1 and selected FMR1 target genes were represented as indicated on the scale in (A) for the following strains: mat− ΔPahmg6 (delPahmg6), mat− Δmthmg1 (delmthmg1), mat− Δkef1 (delkef1), mat− ΔPahmg5 (delPahmg5), and mat− ΔPahmg8 (delPahmg8). Gene number: MFM, Pa_1_8290; PRE1, Pa_7_9070.

Figure 5
