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Plant-Symbiotic Fungi as Chemical Engineers: Multi-Genome Analysis of the Clavicipitaceae Reveals Dynamics of Alkaloid Loci

Figure 5

Phylogenies of rpbA from sequenced isolates and other Clavicipitaceae.

The phylogenetic tree is based on nucleotide alignment for a portion of the RNA polymerase II largest subunit gene, rpbA. This tree is rooted with Fusarium graminearum as the outgroup. Epichloae are indicated in green, Claviceps species are indicated in blue, Periglandula species are indicated in red, and Aciculosporium take is in black. Species for which genomes were sequenced in this study are shown in bold type, and asterisks indicate plant-associated fungi. Alkaloids listed are the major pathway end-products predicted from the genome sequences, abbreviated as shown in Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4. Other abbreviations: (−) = some genes or remnants present, but not predicted to make alkaloids of this class, – = no genes present for this alkaloid class, EA = ergot alkaloids may be produced; IDT = indole-diterpenes may be produced, (ΔR*) = deletion of terminal reductase domain of perA.

Figure 5
