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Publication of genealogical research

Posted by DebK on 29 Dec 2015 at 13:14 GMT

Please could you advise where researchers can access the genealogical research that was done for this study.

No competing interests declared.

RE: Publication of genealogical research

mcarbone replied to DebK on 01 Jan 2016 at 00:25 GMT

Dear DebK,
The information in the paper is the only info we can disclose in public because of patient confidentiality concerns, as per IRB requirements. We think that you are an experienced and quite famous genealogist, please if you are interested in our research, e-mail us directly, and we will see if we can share the information you wish to have within the limitations of our approved IRB. Best wishes for 2016 to you and all readers
Michele Carbone

No competing interests declared.