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September 2012

A novel rhabdovirus, Bas-Congo virus (BASV), has been identified in association with an outbreak of hemorrhagic fever in a remote village in Bas-Congo, Africa (see Grard et al., doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1002924). A phylogenetic tree of rhabdoviruses and silhouettes of their associated host species are superimposed on top of a map of Africa showing countries affected by viral hemorrhagic fever (in color). The orange-red sphere designates both the position of BASV in the phylogenetic tree and the geographic origin of the BASV-associated outbreak. The photo depicts spontaneous bleeding from the arm of an affected patient with hemorrhagic fever.

Image Credit: Charles Chiu, University of California, San Francisco and Eric Leroy, Centre International de Recherches Médicales de Franceville.


The Battle over mTOR: An Emerging Theatre in Host–Pathogen Immunity

Sunil Martin, Bhaskar Saha, James L. Riley


Research Articles

Deep Sequencing of Antiviral T-Cell Responses to HCMV and EBV in Humans Reveals a Stable Repertoire That Is Maintained for Many Years

P. L. Klarenbeek, E. B. M. Remmerswaal, I. J. M. ten Berge, M. E. Doorenspleet, B. D. C. van Schaik, R. E. E. Esveldt, S. D. Koch, A. ten Brinke, A. H. C. van Kampen, F. J. Bemelman, P. P. Tak, F. Baas, N. de Vries, R. A. W. van Lier

A Novel Rhabdovirus Associated with Acute Hemorrhagic Fever in Central Africa

Gilda Grard, Joseph N. Fair, Deanna Lee, Elizabeth Slikas, Imke Steffen, Jean-Jacques Muyembe, Taylor Sittler, Narayanan Veeraraghavan, J. Graham Ruby, Chunlin Wang, Maria Makuwa, Prime Mulembakani, Robert B. Tesh, Jonna Mazet, Anne W. Rimoin, Travis Taylor, Bradley S. Schneider, Graham Simmons, Eric Delwart, Nathan D. Wolfe, Charles Y. Chiu, Eric M. Leroy

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Kaposi's Sarcoma Herpesvirus K15 Protein Contributes to Virus-Induced Angiogenesis by Recruiting PLCγ1 and Activating NFAT1-dependent RCAN1 Expression

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Complexes of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Matrix Protein with Host Rae1 and Nup98 Involved in Inhibition of Host Transcription

Karishma R. Rajani, Elizabeth L. Pettit Kneller, Margie O. McKenzie, David A. Horita, Jeff W. Chou, Douglas S. Lyles

Primary and Secondary siRNAs in Geminivirus-induced Gene Silencing

Michael Aregger, Basanta K. Borah, Jonathan Seguin, Rajendran Rajeswaran, Ekaterina G. Gubaeva, Anna S. Zvereva, David Windels, Franck Vazquez, Todd Blevins, Laurent Farinelli, Mikhail M. Pooggin

Mycobacterium marinum Causes a Latent Infection that Can Be Reactivated by Gamma Irradiation in Adult Zebrafish

Mataleena Parikka, Milka M. Hammarén, Sanna-Kaisa E. Harjula, Nicholas J. A. Halfpenny, Kaisa E. Oksanen, Marika J. Lahtinen, Elina T. Pajula, Antti Iivanainen, Marko Pesu, Mika Rämet

The Single-Nucleotide Resolution Transcriptome of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Grown in Body Temperature

Omri Wurtzel, Deborah R. Yoder-Himes, Kook Han, Ajai A. Dandekar, Sarit Edelheit, E. Peter Greenberg, Rotem Sorek, Stephen Lory

Global Assessment of Genomic Regions Required for Growth in Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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Comparative Pathogenomics Reveals Horizontally Acquired Novel Virulence Genes in Fungi Infecting Cereal Hosts

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Erhard van der Vries, Patrick J. Collins, Sebastien G. Vachieri, Xiaoli Xiong, Junfeng Liu, Philip A. Walker, Lesley F. Haire, Alan J. Hay, Martin Schutten, Albert D. M. E. Osterhaus, Steve R. Martin, Charles A. B. Boucher, John J. Skehel, Steve J. Gamblin

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A Cell-Based Screen Reveals that the Albendazole Metabolite, Albendazole Sulfone, Targets Wolbachia

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