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January 2022

Rhinovirus C is a significant cause of respiratory illness world-wide, yet little remains known about the life cycle of this pathogen in human airway epithelial cells. Immunofluorescence detection of double-stranded RNA (magenta) in a well-differentiated model of human airway epithelium following rhinovirus-C15 infection reveals ongoing viral replication in Forkhead Box J1 (FoxJ1; gray) – positive ciliated cells. Motile cilia are visualized by acetylated α-tubulin staining (green).

Image Credit: Talita Bianca Gagliardi


Advances and gaps in SARS-CoV-2 infection models

César Muñoz-Fontela, Lina Widerspick, Randy A. Albrecht, Martin Beer, Miles W. Carroll, Emmie de Wit, Michael S. Diamond, William E. Dowling, Simon G. P. Funnell, Adolfo García-Sastre, Nora M. Gerhards, Rineke de Jong, Vincent J. Munster, Johan Neyts, Stanley Perlman, Douglas S. Reed, Juergen A. Richt, Ximena Riveros-Balta, Chad J. Roy, Francisco J. Salguero, Michael Schotsaert, Lauren M. Schwartz, Robert A. Seder, Joaquim Segalés, Seshadri S. Vasan, Ana María Henao-Restrepo, Dan H. Barouch

Research Articles

Insertive condom-protected and condomless vaginal sex both have a profound impact on the penile immune correlates of HIV susceptibility

Avid Mohammadi, Sareh Bagherichimeh, Yoojin Choi, Azadeh Fazel, Elizabeth Tevlin, Sanja Huibner, Zhongtian Shao, David Zuanazzi, Jessica L. Prodger, Sara V. Good, Wangari Tharao, Rupert Kaul

Engineering, decoding and systems-level characterization of chimpanzee cytomegalovirus

Quang Vinh Phan, Boris Bogdanow, Emanuel Wyler, Markus Landthaler, Fan Liu, Christian Hagemeier, Lüder Wiebusch

RplI interacts with 5’ UTR of exsA to repress its translation and type III secretion system in Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Dan Wang, Xinxin Zhang, Liwen Yin, Qi Liu, Zhaoli Yu, Congjuan Xu, Zhenzhen Ma, Yushan Xia, Jing Shi, Yuehua Gong, Fang Bai, Zhihui Cheng, Weihui Wu, Jinzhong Lin, Yongxin Jin

Structure of a bacterial Rhs effector exported by the type VI secretion system

Patrick Günther, Dennis Quentin, Shehryar Ahmad, Kartik Sachar, Christos Gatsogiannis, John C. Whitney, Stefan Raunser

Non-neutralizing antibodies targeting the immunogenic regions of HIV-1 envelope reduce mucosal infection and virus burden in humanized mice

Catarina E. Hioe, Guangming Li, Xiaomei Liu, Ourania Tsahouridis, Xiuting He, Masaya Funaki, Jéromine Klingler, Alex F. Tang, Roya Feyznezhad, Daniel W. Heindel, Xiao-Hong Wang, David A. Spencer, Guangnan Hu, Namita Satija, Jérémie Prévost, Andrés Finzi, Ann J. Hessell, Shixia Wang, Shan Lu, Benjamin K. Chen, Susan Zolla-Pazner, Chitra Upadhyay, Raymond Alvarez, Lishan Su

Variability in an effector gene promoter of a necrotrophic fungal pathogen dictates epistasis and effector-triggered susceptibility in wheat

Evan John, Silke Jacques, Huyen T. T. Phan, Lifang Liu, Danilo Pereira, Daniel Croll, Karam B. Singh, Richard P. Oliver, Kar-Chun Tan

Probing the structure and function of the protease domain of botulinum neurotoxins using single-domain antibodies

Kwok-ho Lam, Jacqueline M. Tremblay, Kay Perry, Konstantin Ichtchenko, Charles B. Shoemaker, Rongsheng Jin

B cell overexpression of FCRL5 and PD-1 is associated with low antibody titers in HCV infection

Clinton O. Ogega, Nicole E. Skinner, Andrew I. Flyak, Kaitlyn E. Clark, Nathan L. Board, Pamela J. Bjorkman, James E. Crowe Jr., Andrea L. Cox, Stuart C. Ray, Justin R. Bailey

Mutational analysis of Aedes aegypti Dicer 2 provides insights into the biogenesis of antiviral exogenous small interfering RNAs

Rommel J. Gestuveo, Rhys Parry, Laura B. Dickson, Sebastian Lequime, Vattipally B. Sreenu, Matthew J. Arnold, Alexander A. Khromykh, Esther Schnettler, Louis Lambrechts, Margus Varjak, Alain Kohl

Rhinovirus C replication is associated with the endoplasmic reticulum and triggers cytopathic effects in an in vitro model of human airway epithelium

Talita B. Gagliardi, Monty E. Goldstein, Daniel Song, Kelsey M. Gray, Jae W. Jung, Maxinne A. Ignacio, Kimberly M. Stroka, Gregg A. Duncan, Margaret A. Scull

ApoA-I mimetics reduce systemic and gut inflammation in chronic treated HIV

Maria Daskou, William Mu, Madhav Sharma, Hariclea Vasilopoulos, Rachel Heymans, Eleni Ritou, Valerie Rezek, Philip Hamid, Athanasios Kossyvakis, Shubhendu Sen Roy, Victor Grijalva, Arnab Chattopadhyay, Scott G. Kitchen, Alan M. Fogelman, Srinivasa T. Reddy, Theodoros Kelesidis

Control of β-glucan exposure by the endo-1,3-glucanase Eng1 in Candida albicans modulates virulence

Mengli Yang, Norma V. Solis, Michaela Marshall, Rachel Garleb, Tingting Zhou, Daidong Wang, Marc Swidergall, Eric Pearlman, Scott G. Filler, Haoping Liu

Inhibition of the master regulator of Listeria monocytogenes virulence enables bacterial clearance from spacious replication vacuoles in infected macrophages

Thao Thanh Tran, Carmen D. Mathmann, Marcela Gatica-Andrades, Rachel F. Rollo, Melanie Oelker, Johanna K. Ljungberg, Tam T. K. Nguyen, Alina Zamoshnikova, Lalith K. Kummari, Orry J. K. Wyer, Katharine M. Irvine, Javier Melo-Bolívar, Annette Gross, Darren Brown, Jeffrey Y. W. Mak, David P. Fairlie, Karl A. Hansford, Matthew A. Cooper, Rabina Giri, Veronika Schreiber, Shannon R. Joseph, Fiona Simpson, Timothy C. Barnett, Jörgen Johansson, Wendy Dankers, James Harris, Timothy J. Wells, Ronan Kapetanovic, Matthew J. Sweet, Eleanor A. Latomanski, Hayley J. Newton, Romain J. R. Guérillot, Abderrahman Hachani, Timothy P. Stinear, Sze Ying Ong, Yogeswari Chandran, Elizabeth L. Hartland, Bostjan Kobe, Jennifer L. Stow, A. Elisabeth Sauer-Eriksson, Jakob Begun, Jessica C. Kling, Antje Blumenthal

Hyperinflammatory environment drives dysfunctional myeloid cell effector response to bacterial challenge in COVID-19

Srikanth Mairpady Shambat, Alejandro Gómez-Mejia, Tiziano A. Schweizer, Markus Huemer, Chun-Chi Chang, Claudio Acevedo, Judith Bergada-Pijuan, Clément Vulin, Daniel A. Hofmaenner, Thomas C. Scheier, Sanne Hertegonne, Elena Parietti, Nataliya Miroshnikova, Pedro D. Wendel Garcia, Matthias P. Hilty, Philipp Karl Buehler, Reto A. Schuepbach, Silvio D. Brugger, Annelies S. Zinkernagel

Fasciola hepatica is refractory to complement killing by preventing attachment of mannose binding lectin (MBL) and inhibiting MBL-associated serine proteases (MASPs) with serpins

Carolina De Marco Verissimo, Heather L. Jewhurst, József Dobó, Péter Gál, John P. Dalton, Krystyna Cwiklinski

Epstein-Barr Virus BGLF2 commandeers RISC to interfere with cellular miRNA function

Ashley M. Campbell, Carlos F. De La Cruz-Herrera, Edyta Marcon, Jack Greenblatt, Lori Frappier

SARS-CoV-2 variants with reduced infectivity and varied sensitivity to the BNT162b2 vaccine are developed during the course of infection

Dina Khateeb, Tslil Gabrieli, Bar Sofer, Adi Hattar, Sapir Cordela, Abigael Chaouat, Ilia Spivak, Izabella Lejbkowicz, Ronit Almog, Michal Mandelboim, Yotam Bar-On

Schistosoma mansoni α-N-acetylgalactosaminidase (SmNAGAL) regulates coordinated parasite movement and egg production

Benjamin J. Hulme, Kathrin K. Geyer, Josephine E. Forde-Thomas, Gilda Padalino, Dylan W. Phillips, Wannaporn Ittiprasert, Shannon E. Karinshak, Victoria H. Mann, Iain W. Chalmers, Paul J. Brindley, Cornelis H. Hokke, Karl F. Hoffmann

Evaluation of SARS-CoV-2 entry, inflammation and new therapeutics in human lung tissue cells

Judith Grau-Expósito, David Perea, Marina Suppi, Núria Massana, Ander Vergara, Maria José Soler, Benjamin Trinite, Julià Blanco, Javier García-Pérez, José Alcamí, Anna Serrano-Mollar, Joel Rosado, Vicenç Falcó, Meritxell Genescà, Maria J. Buzon

EBV+ tumors exploit tumor cell-intrinsic and -extrinsic mechanisms to produce regulatory T cell-recruiting chemokines CCL17 and CCL22

Aparna Jorapur, Lisa A. Marshall, Scott Jacobson, Mengshu Xu, Sachie Marubayashi, Mikhail Zibinsky, Dennis X. Hu, Omar Robles, Jeffrey J. Jackson, Valentin Baloche, Pierre Busson, David Wustrow, Dirk G. Brockstedt, Oezcan Talay, Paul D. Kassner, Gene Cutler

Itaconate and derivatives reduce interferon responses and inflammation in influenza A virus infection

Aaqib Sohail, Azeem A. Iqbal, Nishika Sahini, Fangfang Chen, Mohamed Tantawy, Syed F.H. Waqas, Moritz Winterhoff, Thomas Ebensen, Kristin Schultz, Robert Geffers, Klaus Schughart, Matthias Preusse, Mahmoud Shehata, Heike Bähre, Marina C. Pils, Carlos A. Guzman, Ahmed Mostafa, Stephan Pleschka, Christine Falk, Alessandro Michelucci, Frank Pessler

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Bay41-4109-induced aberrant polymers of hepatitis b capsid proteins are removed via STUB1-promoted p62-mediated macroautophagy

Jiacheng Lin, Limin Yin, Xia-Zhen Xu, He-Chen Sun, Zhi-Hua Huang, Xue-Yun Ni, Yan Chen, Xu Lin

Revealing spatio-temporal dynamics with long-term trypanosomatid live-cell imaging

Richard S. Muniz, Paul C. Campbell, Thomas E. Sladewski, Lars D. Renner, Christopher L. de Graffenried

Fibrin(ogen) engagement of S. aureus promotes the host antimicrobial response and suppression of microbe dissemination following peritoneal infection

Oscar Negrón, Woosuk S. Hur, Joni Prasad, David S. Paul, Sarah E. Rowe, Jay L. Degen, Sara R. Abrahams, Silvio Antoniak, Brian P. Conlon, Wolfgang Bergmeier, Magnus Hӧӧk, Matthew J. Flick

A Two-tiered functional screen identifies herpesviral transcriptional modifiers and their essential domains

David W. Morgens, Divya Nandakumar, Allison L. Didychuk, Kevin J. Yang, Britt A. Glaunsinger

The ingenol-based protein kinase C agonist GSK445A is a potent inducer of HIV and SIV RNA transcription

Afam A. Okoye, Rémi Fromentin, Hiroshi Takata, Jessica H. Brehm, Yoshinori Fukazawa, Bryan Randall, Marion Pardons, Vincent Tai, Jun Tang, Jeremy Smedley, Michael Axthelm, Jeffrey D. Lifson, Louis J. Picker, David Favre, Lydie Trautmann, Nicolas Chomont

The c-MET receptor tyrosine kinase contributes to neutrophil-driven pathology in cutaneous leishmaniasis

Katiuska Passelli, Borja Prat-Luri, Margot Merlot, Michiel Goris, Massimiliano Mazzone, Fabienne Tacchini-Cottier

Immunopeptidomic analysis of influenza A virus infected human tissues identifies internal proteins as a rich source of HLA ligands

Ben Nicholas, Alistair Bailey, Karl J. Staples, Tom Wilkinson, Tim Elliott, Paul Skipp

Pre-vaccination frequency of circulatory Tfh is associated with robust immune response to TV003 dengue vaccine

Abdullah M. Izmirly, Adam-Nicolas Pelletier, Jennifer Connors, Bhavani Taramangalam, Sawsan O. Alturki, Emma A. Gordon, Sana O. Alturki, Joshua C. Mell, Gokul Swaminathan, Vivin Karthik, Michele A. Kutzler, Esper G. Kallas, Rafick-Pierre Sekaly, Elias K. Haddad

A yellow fever virus NS4B inhibitor not only suppresses viral replication, but also enhances the virus activation of RIG-I-like receptor-mediated innate immune response

Zhao Gao, Xuexiang Zhang, Lin Zhang, Shuo Wu, Julia Ma, Fuxuan Wang, Yan Zhou, Xinghong Dai, Esther Bullitt, Yanming Du, Ju-Tao Guo, Jinhong Chang

Human NAIP/NLRC4 and NLRP3 inflammasomes detect Salmonella type III secretion system activities to restrict intracellular bacterial replication

Nawar Naseer, Marisa S. Egan, Valeria M. Reyes Ruiz, William P. Scott, Emma N. Hunter, Tabitha Demissie, Isabella Rauch, Igor E. Brodsky, Sunny Shin

Langerhans cells and cDC1s play redundant roles in mRNA-LNP induced protective anti-influenza and anti-SARS-CoV-2 immune responses

Sonia Ndeupen, Aurélie Bouteau, Christopher Herbst, Zhen Qin, Sonya Jacobsen, Nicholas E. Powers, Zachary Hutchins, Drishya Kurup, Leila Zabihi Diba, Megan Watson, Holly Ramage, Botond Z. Igyártó

Turnip mosaic virus co-opts the vacuolar sorting receptor VSR4 to promote viral genome replication in plants by targeting viral replication vesicles to the endosome

Guanwei Wu, Zhaoxing Jia, Kaida Ding, Hongying Zheng, Yuwen Lu, Lin Lin, Jiejun Peng, Shaofei Rao, Aiming Wang, Jianping Chen, Fei Yan

Herpes simplex virus-1 utilizes the host actin cytoskeleton for its release from axonal growth cones

Kevin Danastas, Ava Larsen, Sophie Jobson, Gerry Guo, Anthony L. Cunningham, Monica Miranda-Saksena

Peptidoglycan editing in non-proliferating intracellular Salmonella as source of interference with immune signaling

Sara B. Hernández, Sónia Castanheira, M. Graciela Pucciarelli, Juan J. Cestero, Gadea Rico-Pérez, Alberto Paradela, Juan A. Ayala, Sonsoles Velázquez, Ana San-Félix, Felipe Cava, Francisco García-del Portillo

New insights into the role of endosomal proteins for African swine fever virus infection

Miguel Ángel Cuesta-Geijo, Isabel García-Dorival, Ana del Puerto, Jesús Urquiza, Inmaculada Galindo, Lucía Barrado-Gil, Fátima Lasala, Ana Cayuela, Carlos Oscar S. Sorzano, Carmen Gil, Rafael Delgado, Covadonga Alonso

Access to highly specialized growth substrates and production of epithelial immunomodulatory metabolites determine survival of Haemophilus influenzae in human airway epithelial cells

Jennifer Hosmer, Marufa Nasreen, Rabeb Dhouib, Ama-Tawiah Essilfie, Horst Joachim Schirra, Anna Henningham, Emmanuelle Fantino, Peter Sly, Alastair G. McEwan, Ulrike Kappler

Guanosine inhibits hepatitis C virus replication and increases indel frequencies, associated with altered intracellular nucleotide pools

Rosario Sabariegos, Ana María Ortega-Prieto, Luis Díaz-Martínez, Ana Grande-Pérez, Carlos García Crespo, Isabel Gallego, Ana I. de Ávila, Laura Albentosa-González, María Eugenia Soria, Pablo Gastaminza, Esteban Domingo, Celia Perales, Antonio Mas

TDRD3 is an antiviral restriction factor that promotes IFN signaling with G3BP1

Matthew Deater, Manasi Tamhankar, Richard E. Lloyd

African swine fever virus I267L acts as an important virulence factor by inhibiting RNA polymerase III-RIG-I-mediated innate immunity

Yong Ran, Dan Li, Mei-Guang Xiong, Hua-Nan Liu, Tao Feng, Zheng-Wang Shi, Yu-Hui Li, Huang-Ning Wu, Su-Yun Wang, Hai-Xue Zheng, Yan-Yi Wang

Model-based inference of neutralizing antibody avidities against influenza virus

Janina Linnik, Mohammedyaseen Syedbasha, Yvonne Hollenstein, Jörg Halter, Adrian Egli, Jörg Stelling

Aberrant stromal tissue factor localisation and mycolactone-driven vascular dysfunction, exacerbated by IL-1β, are linked to fibrin formation in Buruli ulcer lesions

Louise Tzung-Harn Hsieh, Scott J. Dos Santos, Belinda S. Hall, Joy Ogbechi, Aloysius D. Loglo, Francisco Javier Salguero, Marie-Thérèse Ruf, Gerd Pluschke, Rachel E. Simmonds

Absence of signal peptide peptidase in peripheral sensory neurons affects latency-reactivation in HSV-1 ocularly infected mice

Shaohui Wang, Ujjaldeep Jaggi, Kati Tormanen, Satoshi Hirose, Homayon Ghiasi


Correction: Broadly directed SARS-CoV-2-specific CD4+ T cell response includes frequently detected peptide specificities within the membrane and nucleoprotein in patients with acute and resolved COVID-19

Janna Heide, Sophia Schulte, Matin Kohsar, Thomas Theo Brehm, Marissa Herrmann, Hendrik Karsten, Matthias Marget, Sven Peine, Alexandra M. Johansson, Alessandro Sette, Marc Lütgehetmann, William W. Kwok, John Sidney, Julian Schulze zur Wiesch

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Correction: Cuban history of CRF19 recombinant subtype of HIV-1

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