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February 2016

Each row of the figure shows several cells of a different trypanosome species or strain. Characteristic cellular waveforms are identifiable with the three-dimensional views of single cells. Additionally, the variation between individual snapshots can be visualised. Trypanosomes are incessant swimmers and thus, there is no resting morphology that can be described. In fact, the product of physical parameters of the cell, the swimming capacity and the microenvironment give the parasites their characteristic appearance, here termed the cellular waveform, which could explain species-specific dissemination and annidation in the mammalian host (see Engstler et al., Fig. 5).

Image Credit: Engstler et al.



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The March towards a Vaccine for Congenital CMV: Rationale and Models

Kristy M. Bialas, Sallie R. Permar

When the Fight against Fungi Goes Wrong

Xiaowen Wang, Frank L. van de Veerdonk


Yeast as a Heterologous Model System to Uncover Type III Effector Function

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Research Matters

A Virological Perspective on Cancer

Blossom Damania

Research Articles

Influenza Virus Targets Class I MHC-Educated NK Cells for Immunoevasion

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