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December 2011

Murine norovirus expresses a novel protein from an alternative reading frame on the viral subgenomic RNA, which plays a role in the regulation of the innate immune response and apoptosis. VF1 is important for efficient infection of its natural host as viruses lacking VF1 are attenuated in mice (see McFadden et al., doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1002413). The localization of VF1 to the mitochondria is shown by confocal microscopy. The expression of VF1 N-terminally fused with GFP (green) in transfected Cos7 cells co-localizes with the mitochondrial Mitotracker stain (red), while the nucleus is shown in blue using DAPI staining.

Image Credit: Guia Carrara and Ian Goodfellow, Imperial College London


Nutritional Immunology: A Multi-Dimensional Approach

Fleur Ponton, Kenneth Wilson, Sheena C. Cotter, David Raubenheimer, Stephen J. Simpson


Comparative Pathobiology of Fungal Pathogens of Plants and Animals

Martin B. Dickman, Paul de Figueiredo


The Meaning of Death: Evolution and Ecology of Apoptosis in Protozoan Parasites

Sarah E. Reece, Laura C. Pollitt, Nick Colegrave, Andy Gardner

Research Articles

Eurasian-Origin Gene Segments Contribute to the Transmissibility, Aerosol Release, and Morphology of the 2009 Pandemic H1N1 Influenza Virus

Seema S. Lakdawala, Elaine W. Lamirande, Amorsolo L. Suguitan Jr., Weijia Wang, Celia P. Santos, Leatrice Vogel, Yumiko Matsuoka, William G. Lindsley, Hong Jin, Kanta Subbarao

A Novel Human Cytomegalovirus Locus Modulates Cell Type-Specific Outcomes of Infection

Mahadevaiah Umashankar, Alex Petrucelli, Louis Cicchini, Patrizia Caposio, Craig N. Kreklywich, Michael Rak, Farah Bughio, Devorah C. Goldman, Kimberly L. Hamlin, Jay A. Nelson, William H. Fleming, Daniel N. Streblow, Felicia Goodrum

Eight RGS and RGS-like Proteins Orchestrate Growth, Differentiation, and Pathogenicity of Magnaporthe oryzae

Haifeng Zhang, Wei Tang, Kaiyue Liu, Qian Huang, Xin Zhang, Xia Yan, Yue Chen, Jiansheng Wang, Zhongqiang Qi, Zhengyi Wang, Xiaobo Zheng, Ping Wang, Zhengguang Zhang

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Inflammasome-dependent Pyroptosis and IL-18 Protect against Burkholderia pseudomallei Lung Infection while IL-1β Is Deleterious

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Inflammatory Monocytes and Neutrophils Are Licensed to Kill during Memory Responses In Vivo

Emilie Narni-Mancinelli, Saidi M'Homa Soudja, Karine Crozat, Marc Dalod, Pierre Gounon, Frédéric Geissmann, Grégoire Lauvau

Allelic Variation on Murine Chromosome 11 Modifies Host Inflammatory Responses and Resistance to Bacillus anthracis

Jill K. Terra, Bryan France, Christopher K. Cote, Amy Jenkins, Joel A. Bozue, Susan L. Welkos, Ragini Bhargava, Chi-Lee Ho, Margarete Mehrabian, Calvin Pan, Aldons J. Lusis, Richard C. Davis, Steven M. LeVine, Kenneth A. Bradley

Identification and Characterization of a Novel Non-Structural Protein of Bluetongue Virus

Maxime Ratinier, Marco Caporale, Matthew Golder, Giulia Franzoni, Kathryn Allan, Sandro Filipe Nunes, Alessia Armezzani, Amr Bayoumy, Frazer Rixon, Andrew Shaw, Massimo Palmarini

Prion Uptake in the Gut: Identification of the First Uptake and Replication Sites

Pekka Kujala, Claudine R. Raymond, Martijn Romeijn, Susan F. Godsave, Sander I. van Kasteren, Holger Wille, Stanley B. Prusiner, Neil A. Mabbott, Peter J. Peters

Ce-Duox1/BLI-3 Generated Reactive Oxygen Species Trigger Protective SKN-1 Activity via p38 MAPK Signaling during Infection in C. elegans

Ransome van der Hoeven, Katie C. McCallum, Melissa R. Cruz, Danielle A. Garsin

Helicobacter pylori versus the Host: Remodeling of the Bacterial Outer Membrane Is Required for Survival in the Gastric Mucosa

Thomas W. Cullen, David K. Giles, Lindsey N. Wolf, Chantal Ecobichon, Ivo G. Boneca, M. Stephen Trent

Epstein-Barr Virus Evades CD4+ T Cell Responses in Lytic Cycle through BZLF1-mediated Downregulation of CD74 and the Cooperation of vBcl-2

Jianmin Zuo, Wendy A. Thomas, Tracey A. Haigh, Leah Fitzsimmons, Heather M. Long, Andrew D. Hislop, Graham S. Taylor, Martin Rowe

Engineered Anopheles Immunity to Plasmodium Infection

Yuemei Dong, Suchismita Das, Chris Cirimotich, Jayme A. Souza-Neto, Kyle J. McLean, George Dimopoulos

Functional Analysis of the Kinome of the Wheat Scab Fungus Fusarium graminearum

Chenfang Wang, Shijie Zhang, Rui Hou, Zhongtao Zhao, Qian Zheng, Qijun Xu, Dawei Zheng, Guanghui Wang, Huiquan Liu, Xuli Gao, Ji-Wen Ma, H. Corby Kistler, Zhensheng Kang, Jin-Rong Xu

Cryo Electron Tomography of Herpes Simplex Virus during Axonal Transport and Secondary Envelopment in Primary Neurons

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Pathogenesis and Host Response in Syrian Hamsters following Intranasal Infection with Andes Virus

David Safronetz, Marko Zivcec, Rachel LaCasse, Friederike Feldmann, Rebecca Rosenke, Dan Long, Elaine Haddock, Douglas Brining, Donald Gardner, Heinz Feldmann, Hideki Ebihara

Structural Elucidation and Functional Characterization of the Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis Effector Protein ATR13

Lauriebeth Leonelli, Jeffery Pelton, Allyn Schoeffler, Douglas Dahlbeck, James Berger, David E. Wemmer, Brian Staskawicz

Inhibition of Apoptosis and NF-κB Activation by Vaccinia Protein N1 Occur via Distinct Binding Surfaces and Make Different Contributions to Virulence

Carlos Maluquer de Motes, Samantha Cooray, Hongwei Ren, Gabriel M. F. Almeida, Kieran McGourty, Mohammad W. Bahar, David I. Stuart, Jonathan M. Grimes, Stephen C. Graham, Geoffrey L. Smith

Fungal Virulence and Development Is Regulated by Alternative Pre-mRNA 3′End Processing in Magnaporthe oryzae

Marina Franceschetti, Emilio Bueno, Richard A. Wilson, Sara L. Tucker, Concepción Gómez-Mena, Grant Calder, Ane Sesma

Nef Decreases HIV-1 Sensitivity to Neutralizing Antibodies that Target the Membrane-proximal External Region of TMgp41

Rachel P.J. Lai, Jin Yan, Jonathan Heeney, Myra O. McClure, Heinrich Göttlinger, Jeremy Luban, Massimo Pizzato

Granzyme B Inhibits Vaccinia Virus Production through Proteolytic Cleavage of Eukaryotic Initiation Factor 4 Gamma 3

Marcelo Marcet-Palacios, Brenda Lee Duggan, Irene Shostak, Michele Barry, Tracy Geskes, John A. Wilkins, Akiko Yanagiya, Nahum Sonenberg, R. Chris Bleackley

Quantitative Multicolor Super-Resolution Microscopy Reveals Tetherin HIV-1 Interaction

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A Receptor-based Switch that Regulates Anthrax Toxin Pore Formation

Rosemarie M. Pilpa, Monika Bayrhuber, John M. Marlett, Roland Riek, John A. T. Young

A Novel Role for the NLRC4 Inflammasome in Mucosal Defenses against the Fungal Pathogen Candida albicans

Jeffrey Tomalka, Sandhya Ganesan, Elaheh Azodi, Krupen Patel, Parth Majmudar, Brian A. Hall, Katherine A. Fitzgerald, Amy G. Hise

Kaposi's Sarcoma Herpesvirus microRNAs Target Caspase 3 and Regulate Apoptosis

Guillaume Suffert, Georg Malterer, Jean Hausser, Johanna Viiliäinen, Aurélie Fender, Maud Contrant, Tomi Ivacevic, Vladimir Benes, Frédéric Gros, Olivier Voinnet, Mihaela Zavolan, Päivi M. Ojala, Juergen G. Haas, Sébastien Pfeffer

A Host Small GTP-binding Protein ARL8 Plays Crucial Roles in Tobamovirus RNA Replication

Masaki Nishikiori, Masashi Mori, Koji Dohi, Hideyasu Okamura, Etsuko Katoh, Satoshi Naito, Tetsuo Meshi, Masayuki Ishikawa

Deficiency of a Niemann-Pick, Type C1-related Protein in Toxoplasma Is Associated with Multiple Lipidoses and Increased Pathogenicity

Bao Lige, Julia D. Romano, Veera Venkata Ratnam Bandaru, Karen Ehrenman, Jelena Levitskaya, Vera Sampels, Norman J. Haughey, Isabelle Coppens

Toward an Integrated Model of Capsule Regulation in Cryptococcus neoformans

Brian C. Haynes, Michael L. Skowyra, Sarah J. Spencer, Stacey R. Gish, Matthew Williams, Elizabeth P. Held, Michael R. Brent, Tamara L. Doering

Norovirus Regulation of the Innate Immune Response and Apoptosis Occurs via the Product of the Alternative Open Reading Frame 4

Nora McFadden, Dalan Bailey, Guia Carrara, Alicia Benson, Yasmin Chaudhry, Amita Shortland, Jonathan Heeney, Felix Yarovinsky, Peter Simmonds, Andrew Macdonald, Ian Goodfellow

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Epstein-Barr Virus Nuclear Antigen 3C Stabilizes Gemin3 to Block p53-mediated Apoptosis

Qiliang Cai, Yi Guo, Bingyi Xiao, Shuvomoy Banerjee, Abhik Saha, Jie Lu, Tina Glisovic, Erle S. Robertson

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