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Showing 1 - 13 of 23

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A comparative study on fatty acid profile in selected vessels of coronary artery bypass graft (CABG)

E. M. S. Bandara, D. I. U. Edirisinghe,  [ ... ], L. G. Chandrasena

Adulteration of beeswax: A first nationwide survey from Belgium

Noëmie El Agrebi, Lidija Svečnjak,  [ ... ], Claude Saegerman

Lipid profile changes in erythrocyte membranes of women with diagnosed GDM

Malgorzata Bukowiecka-Matusiak, Izabela Burzynska-Pedziwiatr,  [ ... ], Lucyna Alicja Wozniak

Comparative Serum Fatty Acid Profiles of Captive and Free-Ranging Cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) in Namibia

Adrian S. W. Tordiffe, Bettina Wachter,  [ ... ], Lodewyk J. Mienie

Molecular Cloning and Functional Expression of a Δ9- Fatty Acid Desaturase from an Antarctic Pseudomonas sp. A3

Lawal Garba, Mohd Shukuri Mohamad Ali, Siti Nurbaya Oslan, Raja Noor Zaliha Raja Abd Rahman

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