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Declining lake ice in response to climate change can impact spending for local communities

Alessandro Filazzola, Mohammad Arshad Imrit,  [ ... ], Sapna Sharma

A survey of UK beekeeper’s Varroa treatment habits

Alexandra Valentine, Stephen J. Martin

Quo vadis Pantanal? Expected precipitation extremes and drought dynamics from changing sea surface temperature

Dirk Thielen, Karl-Ludwig Schuchmann,  [ ... ], Marinêz Isaac Marques

The epidemiological signature of influenza B virus and its B/Victoria and B/Yamagata lineages in the 21st century

Saverio Caini, Gabriela Kusznierz,  [ ... ], the Global Influenza B Study team

Vitamin D in early life and later risk of multiple sclerosis—A systematic review, meta-analysis

Kamila Ismailova, Pratiksha Poudel,  [ ... ], Berit L. Heitmann

Understanding climate change from a global analysis of city analogues

Jean-Francois Bastin, Emily Clark,  [ ... ], Thomas W. Crowther

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