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Showing 40 - 52 of 61

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Northern Hemisphere Glaciation during the Globally Warm Early Late Pliocene

Stijn De Schepper, Jeroen Groeneveld,  [ ... ], Karl Fabian

Phenological Changes in the Southern Hemisphere

Lynda E. Chambers, Res Altwegg,  [ ... ], Anton C. Wolfaardt

Seasonality of Kawasaki Disease: A Global Perspective

Jane C. Burns, Lauren Herzog,  [ ... ], for the Kawasaki Disease Global Climate Consortium

Mapping Global Diversity Patterns for Migratory Birds

Marius Somveille, Andrea Manica, Stuart H. M. Butchart, Ana S. L. Rodrigues

Rapid and Recent World-Wide Diversification of Bluegrasses (Poa, Poaceae) and Related Genera

Matthias H. Hoffmann, Julia Schneider, Philipp Hase, Martin Röser

Marine Ecosystem Response to the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation

Martin Edwards, Gregory Beaugrand,  [ ... ], Stephen Coombs

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