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Showing 1 - 13 of 930

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Long-term brain fog and cognitive impairment in previously hospitalized COVID-19 patients

Barbara Junco, Daniel Samano Martin Del Campo,  [ ... ], Ayham Alkhachroum

Short-term multicomponent exercise training improves executive function in postmenopausal women

Dani Rahmat Ramadhana, Rizki Prayuda Putra,  [ ... ], Raden Argarini

Hydroxyurea maintains working memory function in pediatric sickle cell disease

Jesyin Lai, Ping Zou,  [ ... ], Ranganatha Sitaram

Neurocognitive profile in HIV subjects on INSTI-regimen- one year follow up: Is there room for optimism?

Nina Brkić-Jovanović, Mina Karaman,  [ ... ], Vojislava Bugarski-Ignjatović

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