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Studying the dynamics of the drug processing of pyrazinamide in Mycobacterium tuberculosis

David Requena, Rydberg R. Supo-Escalante, Patricia Sheen, Mirko Zimic

Investigation of breast cancer molecular subtype in a multi-ethnic population using MRI

Nazimah Ab Mumin, Marlina Tanty Ramli Hamid,  [ ... ], Kwan Hoong Ng

Registered report protocol: Stress testing predictive models of ideological prejudice

Jordan L. Thompson, Abigail L. Cassario,  [ ... ], Geoffrey A. Wetherell

Process accident prediction using Bayesian network based on IT2Fs and Z-number: A case study of spherical tanks

Mostafa Mirzaei Aliabadi, Rouzbeh Abbassi,  [ ... ], Vahid Ahmadi Moshiran

Validation of an ultra-short global quality of life scale in a large population-based health survey

John-Kåre Vederhus, Christine Timko,  [ ... ], Karin Berle Gabrielsen

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