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Showing 1 - 13 of 349

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Studying the dynamics of the drug processing of pyrazinamide in Mycobacterium tuberculosis

David Requena, Rydberg R. Supo-Escalante, Patricia Sheen, Mirko Zimic

A study of time-fractional model for atmospheric internal waves with Caputo-Fabrizio derivative

Miguel Vivas-Cortez, Maasoomah Sadaf,  [ ... ], Sharmeen Fatima

On new common fixed point theorems via bipolar fuzzy b-metric space with their applications

J. Uma Maheswari, K. Dillibabu,  [ ... ], Miguel Vivas-Cortez

Numerical investigation of two-dimensional fuzzy fractional heat problem with an external source variable

Muhammad Nadeem, Saad H. Alotaibi, Fawziah M. Alotaibi, Yahya Alsayaad

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