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Validation of new tablet-based problem-solving tasks in primary school students

Jonas Schäfer, Timo Reuter, Miriam Leuchter, Julia Karbach

An optimal B-spline approach for vectorizing raster image outlines

Samreen Abbas, Malik Zawwar Hussain, Qurat ul-Ain

Framework for charged compact objects admitting conformal motion in higher dimension

A. Zahra, S. A. Mardan, Muhammad Bilal Riaz, Rubab Manzoor

Exploring the recurrent states of football teams’ tactical organization on the pitch during Brazilian official matches

Felipe Arruda Moura, Murilo José de Oliveira Bueno,  [ ... ], Ricardo da Silva Torres

Optimised path planning using Enhanced Firefly Algorithm for a mobile robot

Mohd Nadhir Ab Wahab, Amril Nazir,  [ ... ], Ahmad Sufril Azlan Mohamed

Online measurement method for dimensions of disk parts based on machine vision

Jianwei Miao, Qingchang Tan,  [ ... ], Yongqi Zhang

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