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Exploiting mechanisms for hierarchical branching structure of lung airway

Hisako Takigawa-Imamura, Katsumi Fumoto, Hiroaki Takesue, Takashi Miura

Placebo and nocebo interventions impact perceived but not actual proprioceptive accuracy

Áron Horváth, Blanka Aranyosy,  [ ... ], Ferenc Köteles

Validation of new tablet-based problem-solving tasks in primary school students

Jonas Schäfer, Timo Reuter, Miriam Leuchter, Julia Karbach

Mycotoxin production in different varieties of Dactylis glomerata L. silage in response to biological and chemical additives

Jhonny E. Alba-Mejía, Gloria Domínguez-Rodríguez,  [ ... ], Jiří Skládanka

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