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Cell-type specific methylation changes in the newborn child associated to obstetric pain relief

Charles J. Tran, Thomas L. Campbell,  [ ... ], Karolina A. Aberg

Poverty and neighborhood opportunity effects on neonate DNAm developmental age

Stefanie R. Pilkay, Anna K. Knight,  [ ... ], Alicia K. Smith

Spermidine supplementation in honey bees: Autophagy and epigenetic modifications

Danijela Kojić, Jelena Spremo,  [ ... ], Jelena Purać

Epigenetic and physiological alterations in zebrafish subjected to hypergravity

Marcela Salazar, Silvia Joly, Guillem Anglada-Escudé, Laia Ribas

Increased scalability and sequencing quality of an epigenetic age prediction assay

Benjamin Mayne, David Chandler,  [ ... ], Oliver Berry

Exportin 4 DNA promoter methylation in liver fibrosis

Ziyan Pan, Ali Bayoumi,  [ ... ], Mohammed Eslam

Evaluation of DNAmAge in paired fresh, frozen, and formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded heart tissues

Paulina Pruszkowska-Przybylska, Mikkel Eriksen Dupont,  [ ... ], Jeppe Dyrberg Andersen

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