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Showing 1 - 13 of 120

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“Community strengthening through citizen monitoring of water quality: A systematic review”

Edith Dominguez-Rendón, Mariana Villada-Canela, Dalia Marcela Muñoz-Pizza

Alpine salamanders at risk? The current status of an emerging fungal pathogen

Philipp Böning, Stefan Lötters,  [ ... ], Amadeus Plewnia

Meta-evaluation of a whole systems programme, ActEarly: A study protocol

Liina Mansukoski, Bridget Lockyer,  [ ... ], Maria Bryant

Practical recommendations from a multi-perspective needs and challenges assessment of citizen science games

Joshua Aaron Miller, Libuše Hannah Vepřek, Sebastian Deterding, Seth Cooper

Inferring the age and environmental characteristics of fossil sites using citizen science

Tara Djokic, Michael Frese,  [ ... ], Matthew R. McCurry

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