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Showing 14 - 26 of 120

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Errors in soil maps: The need for better on-site estimates and soil map predictions

Michaela Buenemann, Marina E. Coetzee,  [ ... ], Jeffrey E. Herrick

Clavis: An open and versatile identification key format

Wouter Koch, Hallvard Elven, Anders G. Finstad

A deep semantic vegetation health monitoring platform for citizen science imaging data

Asim Khan, Warda Asim, Anwaar Ulhaq, Randall W. Robinson

A handmade trap for malaria mosquito surveillance by citizens in Rwanda

Marilyn M. Murindahabi, Willem Takken,  [ ... ], Constantianus J. M. Koenraadt

Monitoring biological water quality by volunteers complements professional assessments

Edwin T. H. M. Peeters, Anton A. M. Gerritsen,  [ ... ], Sven Teurlincx

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