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  • Alpine salamanders at risk? The current status of an emerging fungal pathogen

    Philipp Böning, Stefan Lötters, Benedetta Barzaghi, Marvin Bock, Bobby Bok, Lucio Bonato, Gentile Francesco Ficetola, Florian Glaser, Josline Griese, Markus Grabher, Camille Leroux, Gopikrishna Munimanda, Raoul Manenti, Gerda Ludwig, Doris Preininger, Mark-Oliver Rödel, Sebastian Seibold, Steve Smith, Laura Tiemann, Jürgen Thein, Michael Veith, Amadeus Plewnia

    published 17 May 2024

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  • Meta-evaluation of a whole systems programme, ActEarly: A study protocol

    Liina Mansukoski, Bridget Lockyer, Amy Creaser, Jessica Sheringham, Laura Sheard, Philip Garnett, Tiffany Yang, Richard Cookson, Alexandra Albert, Shahid Islam, Robert Shore, Aiysha Khan, Simon Twite, Tania Dawson, Halima Iqbal, Ieva Skarda, Aase Villadsen, Miqdad Asaria, Jane West, Trevor Sheldon, John Wright, Maria Bryant

    published 01 Jun 2023

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