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November 2011

In the November editorial, the PLoS Medicine Editors and partners Samantha Latoff, Mary Nell Wegner, and Ana Langer from the Maternal Health Task Force at the Harvard School of Public Health announce their partnership and a call for both primary research and commentary papers on “quality of maternal health care.” Although the coverage of maternal health services has improved in some high-burden countries, the content and quality of the care received by women has not developed at the same rate. The Maternal Health Task Force–PLoS Collection will provide a freely available resource of published research and commentary on maternal health care with the aim of improving access to information and to encourage more progress in reducing maternal morbidity and mortality around the world. The Editors and their partners say: “In order to reduce maternal morbidity and mortality, it is becoming clear that policies and programs need to improve the quality on the supply side of the service delivery equation…PLoS and the MHTF look forward to collaborating on this new initiative and hope it will encourage researchers to submit to PLoS their best research and commentary to help accelerate progress on the quality of maternal health care.”

Image Credit: Jack Zalium at


Quality of Maternal Health Care: A Call for Papers for a Maternal Health Task Force–PLoS Collection

Samantha R. Lattof, Mary Nell Wegner, Ana Langer, and the PLoS Medicine Editors

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