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What about the ESR?

Posted by lbreimer on 23 Jun 2016 at 10:24 GMT

One wonders what an assessment of the ESR would show?

The ESR is a time-honored test for inflammation. It has been in use for 100 years. The ESR is influenced by other factors than CRP. The concentration of fibrinogen and immunoglobulins increase the ESR while albumin has no effect. (A low hematocrit can give a falsely raised ESR.) Its time-course is broader than that of the CRP.

Given how long the ESR has been in use, were there a true relationship to inflammation, one could assume that it would already have been noticed but I am not aware of any. Thus, this would need a CRP-specific mechanism(s).

Lars H Breimer MD PhD
Consultant/Attending physician
Dept of Laboratory Medicine
Örebro University Hospital (USÖ)
Örebro, Sweden

No competing interests declared.