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December 2020

The in silico proton irradiation of 3D genome structure derived from Hi-C geometry. The track-structure of the primary protons (red) traversing through the IMR90 cell nucleus, producing secondary electrons (green) as they travel, the energy depositions of these particles damage the DNA. This damage to the DNA is then scored as single- or double-stranded breaks and the distribution of these are analysed. Ingram et al.

Image Credit: Samuel P Ingram Nicholas T Henthorn


Ten simple rules for creating a brand-new virtual academic meeting (even amid a pandemic)

Scott Rich, Andreea O. Diaconescu, John D. Griffiths, Milad Lankarany

Education Articles

Ten simple rules for typographically appealing scientific texts

Lars Ole Schwen

Ten quick tips for making things findable

Sarah Lin, Ibraheem Ali, Greg Wilson


Practical considerations for measuring the effective reproductive number, Rt

Katelyn M. Gostic, Lauren McGough, Edward B. Baskerville, Sam Abbott, Keya Joshi, Christine Tedijanto, Rebecca Kahn, Rene Niehus, James A. Hay, Pablo M. De Salazar, Joel Hellewell, Sophie Meakin, James D. Munday, Nikos I. Bosse, Katharine Sherrat, Robin N. Thompson, Laura F. White, Jana S. Huisman, Jérémie Scire, Sebastian Bonhoeffer, Tanja Stadler, Jacco Wallinga, Sebastian Funk, Marc Lipsitch, Sarah Cobey

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Bridging from single to collective cell migration: A review of models and links to experiments

Andreas Buttenschön, Leah Edelstein-Keshet

The two kinds of free energy and the Bayesian revolution

Sebastian Gottwald, Daniel A. Braun

Research Articles

Accurate prediction of kinase-substrate networks using knowledge graphs

Vít Nováček, Gavin McGauran, David Matallanas, Adrián Vallejo Blanco, Piero Conca, Emir Muñoz, Luca Costabello, Kamalesh Kanakaraj, Zeeshan Nawaz, Brian Walsh, Sameh K. Mohamed, Pierre-Yves Vandenbussche, Colm J. Ryan, Walter Kolch, Dirk Fey

A generative spiking neural-network model of goal-directed behaviour and one-step planning

Ruggero Basanisi, Andrea Brovelli, Emilio Cartoni, Gianluca Baldassarre

A mechanistic model of the BLADE platform predicts performance characteristics of 256 different synthetic DNA recombination circuits

Jack E. Bowyer, Chloe Ding, Benjamin H. Weinberg, Wilson W. Wong, Declan G. Bates

A mathematical model of local and global attention in natural scene viewing

Noa Malem-Shinitski, Manfred Opper, Sebastian Reich, Lisa Schwetlick, Stefan A. Seelig, Ralf Engbert

Cerebellar Golgi cell models predict dendritic processing and mechanisms of synaptic plasticity

Stefano Masoli, Alessandra Ottaviani, Stefano Casali, Egidio D’Angelo

Computational study on ratio-sensing in yeast galactose utilization pathway

Jiayin Hong, Bo Hua, Michael Springer, Chao Tang

Synaptic polarity and sign-balance prediction using gene expression data in the Caenorhabditis elegans chemical synapse neuronal connectome network

Bánk G. Fenyves, Gábor S. Szilágyi, Zsolt Vassy, Csaba Sőti, Peter Csermely

Classification and phylogeny for the annotation of novel eukaryotic GNAT acetyltransferases

Bojan Krtenic, Adrian Drazic, Thomas Arnesen, Nathalie Reuter

Quantifying the impact of COVID-19 control measures using a Bayesian model of physical distancing

Sean C. Anderson, Andrew M. Edwards, Madi Yerlanov, Nicola Mulberry, Jessica E. Stockdale, Sarafa A. Iyaniwura, Rebeca C. Falcao, Michael C. Otterstatter, Michael A. Irvine, Naveed Z. Janjua, Daniel Coombs, Caroline Colijn

Reconciling emergences: An information-theoretic approach to identify causal emergence in multivariate data

Fernando E. Rosas, Pedro A. M. Mediano, Henrik J. Jensen, Anil K. Seth, Adam B. Barrett, Robin L. Carhart-Harris, Daniel Bor

Orientation processing by synaptic integration across first-order tactile neurons

Etay Hay, J. Andrew Pruszynski

Approximating complex musculoskeletal biomechanics using multidimensional autogenerating polynomials

Anton Sobinov, Matthew T. Boots, Valeriya Gritsenko, Lee E. Fisher, Robert A. Gaunt, Sergiy Yakovenko

Population variability in the generation and selection of T-cell repertoires

Zachary Sethna, Giulio Isacchini, Thomas Dupic, Thierry Mora, Aleksandra M. Walczak, Yuval Elhanati

Bacteria use structural imperfect mimicry to hijack the host interactome

Natalia Sanchez de Groot, Marc Torrent Burgas

Tracking collective cell motion by topological data analysis

Luis L. Bonilla, Ana Carpio, Carolina Trenado

Quantification of nematic cell polarity in three-dimensional tissues

André Scholich, Simon Syga, Hernán Morales-Navarrete, Fabián Segovia-Miranda, Hidenori Nonaka, Kirstin Meyer, Walter de Back, Lutz Brusch, Yannis Kalaidzidis, Marino Zerial, Frank Jülicher, Benjamin M. Friedrich

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Differential effects of propofol and ketamine on critical brain dynamics

Thomas F. Varley, Olaf Sporns, Aina Puce, John Beggs

Evaluation of CD8 T cell killing models with computer simulations of 2-photon imaging experiments

Ananya Rastogi, Philippe A. Robert, Stephan Halle, Michael Meyer-Hermann

Empirical model for short-time prediction of COVID-19 spreading

Martí Català, Sergio Alonso, Enrique Alvarez-Lacalle, Daniel López, Pere-Joan Cardona, Clara Prats

Mapping molar shapes on signaling pathways

Wataru Morita, Naoki Morimoto, Jukka Jernvall

Defect patterns on the curved surface of fish retinae suggest a mechanism of cone mosaic formation

Hayden Nunley, Mikiko Nagashima, Kamirah Martin, Alcides Lorenzo Gonzalez, Sachihiro C. Suzuki, Declan A. Norton, Rachel O. L. Wong, Pamela A. Raymond, David K. Lubensky

SkewIT: The Skew Index Test for large-scale GC Skew analysis of bacterial genomes

Jennifer Lu, Steven L. Salzberg

Control of filament length by a depolymerizing gradient

Arnab Datta, David Harbage, Jane Kondev

Optimal adjustment of the human circadian clock in the real world

Samuel Christensen, Yitong Huang, Olivia J. Walch, Daniel B. Forger

Estimating individuals’ genetic and non-genetic effects underlying infectious disease transmission from temporal epidemic data

Christopher M. Pooley, Glenn Marion, Stephen C. Bishop, Richard I. Bailey, Andrea B. Doeschl-Wilson

Neural diffusivity and pre-emptive epileptic seizure intervention

Erik D. Fagerholm, Chayanin Tangwiriyasakul, Karl J. Friston, Inês R. Violante, Steven Williams, David W. Carmichael, Suejen Perani, Federico E. Turkheimer, Rosalyn J. Moran, Robert Leech, Mark P. Richardson

Insights on cross-species transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from structural modeling

João P. G. L. M. Rodrigues, Susana Barrera-Vilarmau, João M. C. Teixeira, Marija Sorokina, Elizabeth Seckel, Panagiotis L. Kastritis, Michael Levitt

In silico mutagenesis of human ACE2 with S protein and translational efficiency explain SARS-CoV-2 infectivity in different species

Javier Delgado Blanco, Xavier Hernandez-Alias, Damiano Cianferoni, Luis Serrano

A modular framework for multiscale, multicellular, spatiotemporal modeling of acute primary viral infection and immune response in epithelial tissues and its application to drug therapy timing and effectiveness

T. J. Sego, Josua O. Aponte-Serrano, Juliano Ferrari Gianlupi, Samuel R. Heaps, Kira Breithaupt, Lutz Brusch, Jessica Crawshaw, James M. Osborne, Ellen M. Quardokus, Richard K. Plemper, James A. Glazier

Searching through functional space reveals distributed visual, auditory, and semantic coding in the human brain

Sreejan Kumar, Cameron T. Ellis, Thomas P. O’Connell, Marvin M. Chun, Nicholas B. Turk-Browne

Proteostasis is adaptive: Balancing chaperone holdases against foldases

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Targeting TMPRSS2 and Cathepsin B/L together may be synergistic against SARS-CoV-2 infection

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Biologically-informed neural networks guide mechanistic modeling from sparse experimental data

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Bursting in cerebellar stellate cells induced by pharmacological agents: Non-sequential spike adding

Saeed Farjami, Ryan P. D. Alexander, Derek Bowie, Anmar Khadra

Drug2ways: Reasoning over causal paths in biological networks for drug discovery

Daniel Rivas-Barragan, Sarah Mubeen, Francesc Guim Bernat, Martin Hofmann-Apitius, Daniel Domingo-Fernández

A mechanistic framework for a priori pharmacokinetic predictions of orally inhaled drugs

Niklas Hartung, Jens Markus Borghardt

The COVID-19 outbreak in Sichuan, China: Epidemiology and impact of interventions

Quan-Hui Liu, Ana I. Bento, Kexin Yang, Hang Zhang, Xiaohan Yang, Stefano Merler, Alessandro Vespignani, Jiancheng Lv, Hongjie Yu, Wei Zhang, Tao Zhou, Marco Ajelli

NGS-PrimerPlex: High-throughput primer design for multiplex polymerase chain reactions

Andrey Kechin, Viktoria Borobova, Ulyana Boyarskikh, Evgeniy Khrapov, Sergey Subbotin, Maxim Filipenko

IOCBIO Kinetics: An open-source software solution for analysis of data traces

Marko Vendelin, Martin Laasmaa, Mari Kalda, Jelena Branovets, Niina Karro, Karina Barsunova, Rikke Birkedal

Hi-C implementation of genome structure for in silico models of radiation-induced DNA damage

Samuel P. Ingram, Nicholas T. Henthorn, John W. Warmenhoven, Norman F. Kirkby, Ranald I. Mackay, Karen J. Kirkby, Michael J. Merchant

The DIOS framework for optimizing infectious disease surveillance: Numerical methods for simulation and multi-objective optimization of surveillance network architectures

Qu Cheng, Philip A. Collender, Alexandra K. Heaney, Xintong Li, Rohini Dasan, Charles Li, Joseph A. Lewnard, Jonathan L. Zelner, Song Liang, Howard H. Chang, Lance A. Waller, Benjamin A. Lopman, Changhong Yang, Justin V. Remais

FOCAL3D: A 3-dimensional clustering package for single-molecule localization microscopy

Daniel F. Nino, Daniel Djayakarsana, Joshua N. Milstein

A functional theory of bistable perception based on dynamical circular inference

Pantelis Leptourgos, Vincent Bouttier, Renaud Jardri, Sophie Denève

Evolution along the parasitism-mutualism continuum determines the genetic repertoire of prophages

Amjad Khan, Alita R. Burmeister, Lindi M. Wahl

Unbiased and efficient log-likelihood estimation with inverse binomial sampling

Bas van Opheusden, Luigi Acerbi, Wei Ji Ma

A Bayesian computational model reveals a failure to adapt interoceptive precision estimates across depression, anxiety, eating, and substance use disorders

Ryan Smith, Rayus Kuplicki, Justin Feinstein, Katherine L. Forthman, Jennifer L. Stewart, Martin P. Paulus, Tulsa 1000 investigators, Sahib S. Khalsa

On the NF-Y regulome as in ENCODE (2019)

Mirko Ronzio, Andrea Bernardini, Giulio Pavesi, Roberto Mantovani, Diletta Dolfini

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Context-specific network modeling identifies new crosstalk in β-adrenergic cardiac hypertrophy

Ali Khalilimeybodi, Alexander M. Paap, Steven L. M. Christiansen, Jeffrey J. Saucerman

Predictive network modeling in human induced pluripotent stem cells identifies key driver genes for insulin responsiveness

Ivan Carcamo-Orive, Marc Y. R. Henrion, Kuixi Zhu, Noam D. Beckmann, Paige Cundiff, Sara Moein, Zenan Zhang, Melissa Alamprese, Sunita L. D’Souza, Martin Wabitsch, Eric E. Schadt, Thomas Quertermous, Joshua W. Knowles, Rui Chang

Crosstalk and ultrasensitivity in protein degradation pathways

Abhishek Mallela, Maulik K. Nariya, Eric J. Deeds

OpenSim Moco: Musculoskeletal optimal control

Christopher L. Dembia, Nicholas A. Bianco, Antoine Falisse, Jennifer L. Hicks, Scott L. Delp

Value-complexity tradeoff explains mouse navigational learning

Nadav Amir, Reut Suliman-Lavie, Maayan Tal, Sagiv Shifman, Naftali Tishby, Israel Nelken

CHOmics: A web-based tool for multi-omics data analysis and interactive visualization in CHO cell lines

Dongdong Lin, Hima B. Yalamanchili, Xinmin Zhang, Nathan E. Lewis, Christina S. Alves, Joost Groot, Johnny Arnsdorf, Sara P. Bjørn, Tune Wulff, Bjørn G. Voldborg, Yizhou Zhou, Baohong Zhang

Real-time structural motif searching in proteins using an inverted index strategy

Sebastian Bittrich, Stephen K. Burley, Alexander S. Rose

Robust detection of point mutations involved in multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the presence of co-occurrent resistance markers

Julian Libiseller-Egger, Jody Phelan, Susana Campino, Fady Mohareb, Taane G. Clark

Multi-scale modeling of macrophage—T cell interactions within the tumor microenvironment

Colin G. Cess, Stacey D. Finley

Systems biology predicts that fibrosis in tuberculous granulomas may arise through macrophage-to-myofibroblast transformation

Stephanie Evans, J. Russell Butler, Joshua T. Mattila, Denise E. Kirschner

Measuring spectrally-resolved information transfer

Edoardo Pinzuti, Patricia Wollstadt, Aaron Gutknecht, Oliver Tüscher, Michael Wibral

Exact neural mass model for synaptic-based working memory

Halgurd Taher, Alessandro Torcini, Simona Olmi

Optimal learning with excitatory and inhibitory synapses

Alessandro Ingrosso

Multiobjective optimization identifies cancer-selective combination therapies

Otto I. Pulkkinen, Prson Gautam, Ville Mustonen, Tero Aittokallio

Modeling habitat connectivity in support of multiobjective species movement: An application to amphibian habitat systems

Timothy C. Matisziw, Ashkan Gholamialam, Kathleen M. Trauth

PremPS: Predicting the impact of missense mutations on protein stability

Yuting Chen, Haoyu Lu, Ning Zhang, Zefeng Zhu, Shuqin Wang, Minghui Li