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October 2015

Wang Qiang and Colleagues have used Sonchus yellow net rhabdovirus (SYNV) to develop the first reverse genetics system reported for a plant negative strand RNA virus. The SYNV genome was cloned and a derivative expressing GFP (rSYNV-GFP) was constructed and used to infect plants. The image shows GFP fluorescence against a red chloroplast autofluorescence background in a Nicotiana benthamiana plant systemically infected with rSYNV-GFP. Li et al.

Image Credit: Li et al.

Research Articles

A New Glycan-Dependent CD4-Binding Site Neutralizing Antibody Exerts Pressure on HIV-1 In Vivo

Natalia T. Freund, Joshua A. Horwitz, Lilian Nogueira, Stuart A. Sievers, Louise Scharf, Johannes F. Scheid, Anna Gazumyan, Cassie Liu, Klara Velinzon, Ariel Goldenthal, Rogier W. Sanders, John P. Moore, Pamela J. Bjorkman, Michael S. Seaman, Bruce D. Walker, Florian Klein, Michel C. Nussenzweig

Identification of the Mechanisms Causing Reversion to Virulence in an Attenuated SARS-CoV for the Design of a Genetically Stable Vaccine

Jose M. Jimenez-Guardeño, Jose A. Regla-Nava, Jose L. Nieto-Torres, Marta L. DeDiego, Carlos Castaño-Rodriguez, Raul Fernandez-Delgado, Stanley Perlman, Luis Enjuanes

Calcium Regulation of Hemorrhagic Fever Virus Budding: Mechanistic Implications for Host-Oriented Therapeutic Intervention

Ziying Han, Jonathan J. Madara, Andrew Herbert, Laura I. Prugar, Gordon Ruthel, Jianhong Lu, Yuliang Liu, Wenbo Liu, Xiaohong Liu, Jay E. Wrobel, Allen B. Reitz, John M. Dye, Ronald N. Harty, Bruce D. Freedman

Structure Analysis Uncovers a Highly Diverse but Structurally Conserved Effector Family in Phytopathogenic Fungi

Karine de Guillen, Diana Ortiz-Vallejo, Jérome Gracy, Elisabeth Fournier, Thomas Kroj, André Padilla

Crosslinking of a Peritrophic Matrix Protein Protects Gut Epithelia from Bacterial Exotoxins

Toshio Shibata, Kouki Maki, Jinki Hadano, Takumi Fujikawa, Kazuki Kitazaki, Takumi Koshiba, Shun-ichiro Kawabata

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TRIM21 Promotes cGAS and RIG-I Sensing of Viral Genomes during Infection by Antibody-Opsonized Virus

Ruth E. Watkinson, William A. McEwan, Jerry C. H. Tam, Marina Vaysburd, Leo C. James

Identification of a Novel Lipoprotein Regulator of Clostridium difficile Spore Germination

Kelly A. Fimlaid, Owen Jensen, M. Lauren Donnelly, Michael B. Francis, Joseph A. Sorg, Aimee Shen

Yersinia pestis Requires Host Rab1b for Survival in Macrophages

Michael G. Connor, Amanda R. Pulsifer, Christopher T. Price, Yousef Abu Kwaik, Matthew B. Lawrenz

Immunologic Control of Mus musculus Papillomavirus Type 1

Joshua W. Wang, Rosie Jiang, Shiwen Peng, Yung-Nien Chang, Chien-Fu Hung, Richard B. S. Roden

The Fungal Exopolysaccharide Galactosaminogalactan Mediates Virulence by Enhancing Resistance to Neutrophil Extracellular Traps

Mark J. Lee, Hong Liu, Bridget M. Barker, Brendan D. Snarr, Fabrice N. Gravelat, Qusai Al Abdallah, Christina Gavino, Shane R. Baistrocchi, Hanna Ostapska, Tianli Xiao, Benjamin Ralph, Norma V. Solis, Mélanie Lehoux, Stefanie D. Baptista, Arsa Thammahong, Robert P. Cerone, Susan G. W. Kaminskyj, Marie-Christine Guiot, Jean-Paul Latgé, Thierry Fontaine, Donald C. Vinh, Scott G. Filler, Donald C. Sheppard

Dengue Virus Infection of Aedes aegypti Requires a Putative Cysteine Rich Venom Protein

Berlin Londono-Renteria, Andrea Troupin, Michael J Conway, Diana Vesely, Michael Ledizet, Christopher M. Roundy, Erin Cloherty, Samuel Jameson, Dana Vanlandingham, Stephen Higgs, Erol Fikrig, Tonya M. Colpitts

Crystal Structures of a Piscine Betanodavirus: Mechanisms of Capsid Assembly and Viral Infection

Nai-Chi Chen, Masato Yoshimura, Hong-Hsiang Guan, Ting-Yu Wang, Yuko Misumi, Chien-Chih Lin, Phimonphan Chuankhayan, Atsushi Nakagawa, Sunney I. Chan, Tomitake Tsukihara, Tzong-Yueh Chen, Chun-Jung Chen

Depletion of M. tuberculosis GlmU from Infected Murine Lungs Effects the Clearance of the Pathogen

Vijay Soni, Sandeep Upadhayay, Priyanka Suryadevara, Ganesh Samla, Archana Singh, Perumal Yogeeswari, Dharmarajan Sriram, Vinay Kumar Nandicoori

Structure Elucidation of Coxsackievirus A16 in Complex with GPP3 Informs a Systematic Review of Highly Potent Capsid Binders to Enteroviruses

Luigi De Colibus, Xiangxi Wang, Aloys Tijsma, Johan Neyts, John A. B. Spyrou, Jingshan Ren, Jonathan M. Grimes, Gerhard Puerstinger, Pieter Leyssen, Elizabeth E. Fry, Zihe Rao, David I. Stuart

CD39 Expression Identifies Terminally Exhausted CD8+ T Cells

Prakash K. Gupta, Jernej Godec, David Wolski, Emily Adland, Kathleen Yates, Kristen E. Pauken, Cormac Cosgrove, Carola Ledderose, Wolfgang G. Junger, Simon C. Robson, E. John Wherry, Galit Alter, Philip J. R. Goulder, Paul Klenerman, Arlene H. Sharpe, Georg M. Lauer, W. Nicholas Haining

Carcinogenic Parasite Secretes Growth Factor That Accelerates Wound Healing and Potentially Promotes Neoplasia

Michael J. Smout, Javier Sotillo, Thewarach Laha, Atiroch Papatpremsiri, Gabriel Rinaldi, Rafael N. Pimenta, Lai Yue Chan, Michael S. Johnson, Lynne Turnbull, Cynthia B. Whitchurch, Paul R. Giacomin, Corey S. Moran, Jonathan Golledge, Norelle Daly, Banchob Sripa, Jason P. Mulvenna, Paul J. Brindley, Alex Loukas

Phenotypic and Functional Alterations in Circulating Memory CD8 T Cells with Time after Primary Infection

Matthew D. Martin, Marie T. Kim, Qiang Shan, Ramakrishna Sompallae, Hai-Hui Xue, John T. Harty, Vladimir P. Badovinac

Dissociation of Tissue Destruction and Bacterial Expansion during Bubonic Plague

Françoise Guinet, Patrick Avé, Sofia Filali, Christèle Huon, Cyril Savin, Michel Huerre, Laurence Fiette, Elisabeth Carniel

Rescue of a Plant Negative-Strand RNA Virus from Cloned cDNA: Insights into Enveloped Plant Virus Movement and Morphogenesis

Qiang Wang, Xiaonan Ma, ShaSha Qian, Xin Zhou, Kai Sun, Xiaolan Chen, Xueping Zhou, Andrew O. Jackson, Zhenghe Li

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PD-L1 Expression on Retrovirus-Infected Cells Mediates Immune Escape from CD8+ T Cell Killing

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Antigenic Characterization of the HCMV gH/gL/gO and Pentamer Cell Entry Complexes Reveals Binding Sites for Potently Neutralizing Human Antibodies

Claudio Ciferri, Sumana Chandramouli, Alexander Leitner, Danilo Donnarumma, Michael A. Cianfrocco, Rachel Gerrein, Kristian Friedrich, Yukti Aggarwal, Giuseppe Palladino, Ruedi Aebersold, Nathalie Norais, Ethan C. Settembre, Andrea Carfi

Abiotic Stresses Antagonize the Rice Defence Pathway through the Tyrosine-Dephosphorylation of OsMPK6

Yoshihisa Ueno, Riichiro Yoshida, Mitsuko Kishi-Kaboshi, Akane Matsushita, Chang-Jie Jiang, Shingo Goto, Akira Takahashi, Hirohiko Hirochika, Hiroshi Takatsuji

Ganglioside and Non-ganglioside Mediated Host Responses to the Mouse Polyomavirus

John You, Samantha D. O’Hara, Palanivel Velupillai, Sherry Castle, Steven Levery, Robert L. Garcea, Thomas Benjamin

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Shigella Effector OspB Activates mTORC1 in a Manner That Depends on IQGAP1 and Promotes Cell Proliferation

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Peripheral Vγ9Vδ2 T Cells Are a Novel Reservoir of Latent HIV Infection

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