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October 2012

The micrograph depicts an early spore stage of Trachipleistophora hominis (see Heinz et al., doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1002979) prepared with the Tokuyasu method for cryosectioning and stained with uranyl acetate. The image was pseudocolored to highlight several important features of this intracellular parasite. The polar tube is shown in green, the underlying polaroblast in purple, and the spore wall in blue. The spore is separated from the host cell cytoplasm by the parasitophorous vacuole, which is presented in red.

Image Credit: Christian Hacker and John M. Lucocq, School of Medicine, University of St Andrews.


Burden of Communicable Disease among the Native and Repatriating Afghans

Syed H. Abidi, Farwa Ali, Farida Shah, Farhat Abbas, Syed Ali


Norovirus Immunity and the Great Escape

Kari Debbink, Lisa C. Lindesmith, Eric F. Donaldson, Ralph S. Baric

Redefining Chronic Toxoplasmosis—A T Cell Exhaustion Perspective

Rajarshi Bhadra, Imtiaz A. Khan

How to Make It in the Urinary Tract: A Tutorial by Escherichia coli

Ine Jorgensen, Patrick C. Seed


Host–Pathogen Interaction in Invasive Salmonellosis

Hanna K. de Jong, Chris M. Parry, Tom van der Poll, W. Joost Wiersinga

Research Articles

Transcription Factor Amr1 Induces Melanin Biosynthesis and Suppresses Virulence in Alternaria brassicicola

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The Genome of the Obligate Intracellular Parasite Trachipleistophora hominis: New Insights into Microsporidian Genome Dynamics and Reductive Evolution

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