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PLoS Pathogens Issue Image | Vol. 2(2) February 2006

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T. gondii daughter scaffolds

Toxoplasma gondii, an obligate intracellular human parasite, has a unique cytoskeletal apparatus that is probably used for invading host cells and for parasite replication. Shown here are images of T. gondii constructing daughter scaffolds within the mother cell. Cyan: YFP-α-Tubulin; yellow: mRFP-TgMORN1 (see Hu et al).

Image Credit: Image provided by Ke Hu and John Murray.

T. gondii daughter scaffolds

Toxoplasma gondii, an obligate intracellular human parasite, has a unique cytoskeletal apparatus that is probably used for invading host cells and for parasite replication. Shown here are images of T. gondii constructing daughter scaffolds within the mother cell. Cyan: YFP-α-Tubulin; yellow: mRFP-TgMORN1 (see Hu et al).

Image Credit: Image provided by Ke Hu and John Murray.