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A sticky situation: When trypanosomatids attach to insect tissues

Fig 2

Stages of attachment visualized using in vitro systems.

C. fasciculata and P. confusum attach via the base of the flagellum, which then shortens until the cell rests perpendicular to the surface on the flagellar attachment plaque [21,57]. T. congolense trypomastigotes initially attach via the tip of the flagellum. The cell body and flagellum then slide until the cell is resting on the surface connected by a lateral flagellar attachment plaque [62]. L. mexicana can attach via the tip or lateral (shown) portion of the flagellum. A loop sometimes forms between the point of attachment and the cell body. The flagellum then shortens until the haptomonad rests perpendicular to the surface on the flagellar attachment plaque [56].

Fig 2
