Entamoeba Encystation: New Targets to Prevent the Transmission of Amebiasis
Fig 2
Schematic of proposed Entamoeba cyst formation.
Depiction of the processes involved in Entamoeba cyst formation and their potential causal links. Entamoeba trophozoite self-aggregation via cell–cell interaction is an essential prerequisite process for encystation and is mediated by the binding of receptors to Gal-terminated ligands (left). Diverse pathways are implicated in the regulation of encystation (left and center). Numerous components are involved in forming intact cysts (right); some may be exclusive components in the cyst wall, and others may play versatile roles throughout the processes of cyst formation. Abbreviations used: AR, adrenergic receptor; B4F2, a monoclonal antibody; CP, cysteine protease; CS, cholesteryl sulfate; Gal, galactose; GalNAc, N-acetyl-galactosamine; Hsp90, heat shock protein 90; and UPS, ubiquitin proteasome system.